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Word formation(2): lexical change构词法2:词汇的变化 1. Invention 新创词语 2. Blending 混拼词 3. abbreviation (clipping) 缩写词 4. Acronym 首字母缩写词 5. Back-formation 逆构词法 6. Analogical creation类推构词 7. class shift 词性变换 8. Borrowing 外来词 .精品课件. * Chapter 4 From Word to Text 1. Syntactic relations句法关系 2. Grammatical construction and its constituents语法结构与成分 3. Syntactic function句法功能 4. Category 范畴 5. Phrase, clause and sentence 6. Recursiveness递归性 7. Beyond the sentence .精品课件. * Definition of syntax Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationship between elements in sentence structures. 句法就是研究语言不同成分组成句子的规则或句子结构成分之间的关系。 .精品课件. * Syntactic relations句法关系 1. positional relation位置关系 2. relation of substitutability替代关系 3. relation of co-occurrence同现关系 注意每种关系的不同名称及举例 .精品课件. * Functional approach功能学派 Identification of Subject, Predicate, (predicator) Object. .精品课件. * The structural approach结构主义学派(Saussure) IC Analysis: Immediate Constituent Analysis直接成分分析法 Tree diagram树形图 Endocentric and exocentric constructions向心结构与离心结构(有无head) Coordination and subordination并列与从属(有几个head) .精品课件. * Traditional approach传统学派 Number数(singular, plural, dual etc.) Gender 性(masculine, feminine, neuter) Case 格 (accusative宾格, nominative, 主格dative与格 etc.) Agreement 一致性(anaphoric前照应, head and its dependent与中心词的一致, verb and subject 主谓一致) .精品课件. * Phrase, clause and sentence Phrase & word group Clause (finite&non-finite, coordinate and subordinate clause) Sentence .精品课件. * Recursiveness 递归性 Conjoining并列 Embedding从属 .精品课件. * Beyond the sentence Sentential connection句子 Cohesion 衔接 Cohesion is a concept to do with discourse or text rather than with syntax. It refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and defines it as a text. .精品课件. * Cohesive devices衔接手段 conjunction连接词 ellipsis省略 lexical collocation词汇搭配 lexical repetition词汇重复 reference所指 substitution,替换 etc. .精品课件. * .精品课件. 语言学总复习 .精品课件. * Ch


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