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外文原文: Exercise opti on on the sec on dary teach ing of physical training Abstract: Physical Trai ning in the Exercise plays an importa nt role in teach in g, it is to enhance the aesthetic Exercise effective way to improve the quality of students in special one important means. This paper docume nts, an alysis, practice, teach ing of physical training on the Exercise of the role, content and features of other aspects. Results in dicate that physical training Aerobics Teach ing in the content to dance as the main body and the attitude at the core, it has the basic, releva nt, artistic characteristics, physical educati on teach ing must always run through Exercise. Key words: Exercise, physical training, dan ce, gesture In troducti on Exercise is an aerobic exercise, is mainly to health, power, beauty and characterized by physical exercise, it is the financial gymnastics, music, dance as one of the sports programs, its basic body shape and ability to dance has a higher professional requirements, is an atte nti on to form arts sport. Aerobics teachi ng in physical tra ining the stude nts to master a variety of correct posture, which is one of the basic purposes of teachi ng aerobics. Explorati on | of physical training on body mechanics will help us shape the training effect on body mecha ni cs, content, features re-u ndersta nding of body mecha nics for the future high school elective classes for the scientific and systematic physical training play a useful reference role. Research Subjects and methods study Dongguan School Exercise elective course in physical training content for the study Research Methods literature Search and aerobics in structi on, dance in structi on and physical training and the releva nt literature is summarized. Practice of Law Year of Dongguan Middle School Middle School students elective aerobics, aerobics in the 2-year study con ducted duri ng the case and the effect of physical trai ning were reviewed. Statistics Act Year of Don ggua n Mid


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