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Unit 7 测试卷 一、词汇( 10 分) A.根据句意和首字母或汉语提示补全所缺单词。 (5 分) The shore s___________ kinds of things. They are very cheap. All the fruit and vegetables are at a very good p______________. Do you ( 需要 )__________ big and red strawberries at five yuan a kilo? How much are the ( 短裤 )______________? In the store, we can ( 买 )_____________school things. B.根据句意写出下列各句中划线词的对应词或反义词。 (5 分) Your room is big, but our room is ______. I don ’ t like blackthis shirt. I like that _______ one. This skirt is too long. Do you have a _______ one? _______ are my books and those are his books. You can _______ to my home, and we go to the store together( 一起 ). 二、单项选择( 15 分) ( ) 1.–________ it the TV? – It ’ s 2000 yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How about D. How big ( ) 2. I want to buy a shirt _______ my father. A. to B. on C. for D. in ( )3. –Can I help you? –_________. A. Thank you B. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. You ’ re welcome. D. I ’ m sorry. ( ) 4. Let ’ s go and have _______ his new CD. A. look at B. a look at C. a look D. the look at ( )5 . Jim ’ s _______ is red. A. shoes B. bag C. socks D. trousers. ( )6. –How much are the trousers? –________ twenty dollars. A. It has B. It is C. They have D. They are ( )7. –Are these your shoes? –Yes, ___________. A. they ’Bre. they are C. these are D. there ’ re ( )8. –The T-shirt is only ten dollars.  – I ’ ll ________it. A. buy B. take C. sale D. sell ( )9. I like red but my brother ____________. A. likes red, too B. doesn ’tC. does D. doesn ’ telik 1 ( )10. We have ________ students. A. fourty –four B. four –fourty C. forty –four D. four –forty ( )11. They can buy the pens ____ a very good ______ . A. at; price B. in; price C. at; cost D. at selling ( )12. We have skirts ______ purple ______ only $20. A. in; at B. in; for C. at; in D. at; for ( )13. How much _________ do you want? A. tomatoes B. bananas C. hamburgers D. chicken ( )14. We have many things in our store. Please come and see for _______. A. you B. me C. it D. yourself ( )15. Co


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