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Find out the problems in the followi ng tran slati ons and improve them 1?雅皓乳膏治疗口臭的临床试验研究 origi nal: Research of the cli nical effect aga inst halitosis of AHEAC cream 2?胎儿间质干细胞移植治疗心急梗死的实验研究 origi nal: The study about tran spla ntati on of mese nchymal stem cells from huma n fetal livers into rat in farcted heart 3?老年系统性红斑狼疮 32例临床分析 origi nal: Cli nical an alysis of SLE in the elderly for 32 cases 泽泻对健康受试者血脂影响的临床对照研究 original: The clinical control study on the effect of rhizoma alismatis[ 拉]泽泻 to health volunteer blood fat Id1与Id3在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及临床意义 origi nal: The expressi on and the cli nical sig ni fica nee of Id1 and Id3 in huma n non-small cell lung cancer 不同剂量拉莫三嗪对体外培养海马神经细胞存活及其 BDNFh和p-CREB表达的影响 origi nal: Effect of differe nt concen trati on lamotrigi ne on the survival rate and the expressi on of the BDNF and p-CREB of the cultured hippocampus n euro n 慢性肾脏病患儿小剂量甲状腺素治疗的作用及甲状腺激素水平变化的意义 origi nal: Study the efficacy of thyroid horm one treatme nt and the serum levels of thyroid horm one on patie nts with primary n ephritic syn drome 环孢霉素A对多药耐药性相关蛋白在 THP-1细胞中表达的影响 origi nal: Effect on expressi on of multidrug resista nee 多药耐药 associated protein in THP-1 cells treated by cyclosporin A 环孢霉素 A 腭咽肌切断术对 OSAHS患者呼吸紊乱指数的影响 origi nal: Effect of apnea 呼吸暂停 and hypop nea 呼吸减弱 in dex after dissect ion of palatopharyngeal 腭咽的 muscles in patients with OSAHS Anglell类2分类错牙合畸形牙列指数的测量分析 Original: Analysis of Dentition 牙列 index on Angle CLass II division 2 malocclusions 错牙合 11. DMBA诱导金黄地鼠颊囊癌变的组织学动态变化研究 origi nal: Tissue cha nge dyn amic studies of the golde n hamster cheek pouch carci nogen esis in duced by DMBA Common mistakes in Purpose .探讨人包皮成纤维细胞的生物学特性,为人胚胎生殖细胞长期体外培养打下 基础。 wron g:To study the biologic characters of huma n foresk in fibroblasts, so we can lay the foun dati on for a Ion g-term culture for huma n embryo nic germ cells in vitro. Correct: 2)观察不同剂量的当归多糖对 D-半乳糖致衰老小鼠模型是否具有抗衰老作用. wrong: This study was desig ned to inv estigate whether there was effect on an ti-ag ing ca


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