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Unit 1 Meet the family 认识一下全家 Lesson 1 重点句型 This is my family. 这是我的家庭。 My name is 我的名字 叫。。。。。。(人) is my / his/ her (家庭成员) eg: Paul is my nephew. 核心词汇 family/ wife/ son/ daughter/ nephew/ husband/ Lesson 2 重点句型 Is this your/ my pen?这是你的 / 我的笔吗? Yes, it is my..../ No, it is not. 是的,这是。。。/不,这不是。。。 Whose is t h i s 。。。(名词,物品)?这是谁的。 。。? It 's my/ his/ her 这是我的。。。/他的。。。/她的。。。 This is my 物( 品) 这是我的。。。。 核心词汇 pencil/ coat/ hat/ ruler/ mobile/ bag/ book/pen/ whose Unit 2 What is it? 它是什么 Lesson 3 重点句型 What is this?这是什么? It ' s a +greg颜色)+hat (物品)。这 是一个绿色的帽子。 Is it a bird? 它是一只鸟吗? Yes, it ' s a grey bird. 核心词汇 green/ red/ grey (灰)/ silver/ umbrella (伞)/ chair/ table/ wheel (轮子)/ flower Lesson4 重点句型 What is this/ that? 这是 /那是什么? This is/That is a bicycle这是/ 那是一辆自行车。 What colour is + it (物品)?它是什么颜色? It ' s silv它.是银色的。 Whose is + the silver bicycle (物品)? It ' s Robert它是罗伯特的。(’表示所有格) 核心词汇 bicycle/ colour/ white/ black/ dress/ camera (相机)/ blue/ desk/ brown (棕色) Unit 3 Who ' s that个人是谁? Lesson 5 重点句型 Who' s that boy那个男生是谁? ----Which boy/ one?哪一个? The boy on the silver bicycle/ with the red umbrella/ _in_that old car. 那个。。。(介词短语)样的男孩就是。 Paul is Lucy ' s 保罗是.Lucy的堂兄。 Is Robert ' s bicycle blue? No, his bicycle isn (一般疑问句)blue. Who is the boy on_the silver bicycle? That ' Robert Jenkins.(那 个。。样的人是谁?) 核心词汇 student/ brother/ father/ mother/ cousin (堂兄弟,表兄弟)/ their (他们的)/new (新的)/ you ng/ sister/ look at(v+prep)看 Lesson 6 重点句型 Tell me about + (事情或人物n/ pron )告诉我关于。。。(的事 情) 核心词汇 介词on/ in/ with的用法 horse (马)/ yellow/ taxi (出租车)/ old (年龄,旧的)/coat (上 衣,外套) Unit 4 Robert isn '罗伯特感觉不舒服 Lesson 7 重点句型 I ' m/ She ' s fine. But Jim isn '感觉不舒服。m What' s the matter with him?它怎么了? I ' m not su我不确定。 He is very hot/ hungry/ thirsty/ busy.他很热/饿/渴/忙。 Perhaps not very ill.可能病的不厉害。 You' re rig你是对的。 Better safe tha n sorry 有 备无患 核心词汇 sorry/ hungry (饿)/hot (热的)/ thirsty (渴)/ doctor/ busy (忙) / safe/ poor (可怜的)/ fine (健康的,舒适的)/ sure (确信 的)/cold/ ill/ perhaps (可能) Lesson 8 重点句型 Is Karen ill/ well/ cold/ hungry


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