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Module 10 Fitness I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 Skill focus  听 Listen to conversation, advertisement about ways of how to keep fit 说 Talk about how they think about different types of exercises; talk about ways of keeping fit; discuss things they can do to be healthier Read passages about healthy food; ways of keeping fit 写 Write a short passage about “ Feed me better ” Talking about preference Do you like it? 句 Why do / don ’ t you like it? How good are you at it? 1.重点词汇 Language ache fit exercise healthy running strong weight training focus 词 fat fresh healthy food junk food sugar tasty 2.短语 a bit stay fit stay healthy train for take exercise go running 语 Attributive clause connected by who/whose 法 用心 爱心 专心 - 1 - My legs ache a bit. P80 Don ’t give up if you want to stay fit. P80 I ’ ve got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics. P80 4. There ’s a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school. P80 I ’ ve just bumped into the head teacher. P80 He doesn ’t look like someone whose fitness and health interest 重 点 him very much! P80 7. Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. 句 P82 子 8. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. P82 Then he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens. P82 Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain. P82 He told them they needed to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners. P82 II. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析 本单元围绕 Fitness 展开。 Unit 1 从听、说、读三个方面展开技能训练。要求学生通过本单元的学习能够讨论自己 所认为的保持健康的最好的方式。 通过讨论保持健康的方式来表达自己的观点、 询问别人的 意见。 Listening and vocabulary Activity 1 要求学生根据所给图片,运用所给词汇讨论自己认为的最佳保持健康的方 式。 Activity 2 要求学生听录音选出对于 Betty 和 Lingling 而言最好的保持健康方式,然 后根据所给图片描绘图中的人物是如何保持健康的。 Activity 3 是 Lingli ng 和她朋友的一 用心 爱心 专心 - 2 - 段对话。 学生将初步学习以 whose 为引导词的定语从句, 同时帮助他们开始学习这个单元的 新话题。 Activity 4 要求学生根据课文回答问题, 是对他们理解课文的一个检测。 Activity 5 要求学生学习动宾搭配的习惯用法


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