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Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports 【本讲教育信息 】 . 教学内容: Book 15 Unit 6 (I) 学 使用 从句和 去完成 . 重点、 点1、 从句 2、 去完成 3、 三. 具体内容: (一) 从句: Grammar: Object clause 从句 从句在整个句子中作 成分 从句的 序 述句 序, 注意主从句的 一致。 即主句 在 , 从句可以 是 所需任何 ; 主句 去 ,从句是与 去相关的 。 1) 述句 成 从句 ,用 that 引 , 序不 。 He has given up smoking. She said ?→ She said that he had given up smoking. 一般疑 句 从句 ,用if 或 whether 引 , 序 述句 序。 Is he doing his homework? I asked him ? → I asked him if he was doing his homework. 3)特殊疑 句 从句 ,特殊疑 即 引 , 序 述句 序。 Where are you going? She asked me ?→ She asked me where I was going. 如果 从句表示的是科学真理、 客 事 或格言警句等, 从句一律用一般 在 。 Granny told me that the earth moves around the sun. 5)当主句的主 I, we , 谓语为 think, believe, guess, suppose 等 ,其后 的 从句的否定 移到主句上。 I d on’t think he can come this morning. Ex. Use object clauses to combine the two ideas Can you tell me ?? / Where will the game take place? Can you tell me where the game will take place? Do you know ?? /Who won the basketball game? Who knows ??/ Did the team win the game? Can you tell me ??/ Will more Chinese players play in the NBA? Can you show me ?? / Which are the two new players? Tell me ?/ How many gold medals has the Chinese? 用心 爱心 专心 - 1 - (二) 去完成 用 去完成 描述 生在 去某个 作前的 作,即 去的 去。 构成:主 +had+ 去分 China had never won so many medals before. They had predicted that the team would win many medals in Athens. 去完成 状 : by the time I started junior high school 到我开始上初中 止 by the year 2000 到 2000 年 止 by this time last month\yesterday 到上个月 昨天的 个 候 止 by the time I was ten years old 到我十 止 by the end of last year 到去年年末 止 by 12 o ’clock 截止到 12 点 Ex. Complete the sentences. 当男孩到 站的 候,火 已 开走了。 When the boy got to the station, the train _________________________. 当她到校的 候,第一 已 开始了。 When she arrived at school, _______________________________ . 当她到家 ,女儿已 睡着了。 By the time ________________________________________________. 截止到九点,他 没到那儿。 _______________________________________ __ . 他 他已去 北京的很多地方了。 (三)词汇 1. one of the most popular


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