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Unit2 English around the world(Module 1) Period 1 Reading: The Road to Modern English 班级 __________ 姓名 ____________ 学号 _____________ Learning Objectives: Learn the useful new words and expressions. Read the passage and learn about the development of English. 3.Learn the reading sub-skills-- scanning and skimming Learning Key Points: Learn reading skills: scanning and skimming Learning Difficult Points: Improve the reading ability. Learning Procedures: 【Pre-class homework】 自主探究 A:Tell the sentences True or False th 1. English had the most speakers in the 17 century. 2. English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain. 3. .Languages frequently change. 4. The language of the government is always the language of the country. 5. English is one of the official languages used in India. 6. This reading describes the development of the English language. B:fill in the form according to text. AD450--1150 English was based on ____1_______ At the end of the 16th century How many people speak English? _______2___ Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary. ______3____ _______4____ Some British settlers moved to America. Later in the 18th century English began to be spoken in _______5___ _____________6___ The language was settled. II. 【 While-class】 Step 1 Lead-in Step 2 Group discussion合作讨论 展示点评 Ss discuss their pre-class homework in group. Step 3 Practice:练习拓展 A:Choose the correct answer 1.English has/had the most speakers___. A. Now B. when the British ruled many parts of the world C. in the time of Shakespeare D. in the 12th century 第 1 页 2.Which of the following statement is true? A. Languages always stay the same B. Languages change only after wars C. Languages no longer change D. Languages change when cultures change 3. Why was Shakespeare able to make use of a wider vocabulary by the 1600s? A. Because new settlers enriched English and especially its vocabulary. B.Because Shakespeare made up many new words. C. British settlers moved to different c



