物流管理-生产物流系统的物料配送流程优化 ——以中山市捷宝电子电器有限公司为例论文.docx

物流管理-生产物流系统的物料配送流程优化 ——以中山市捷宝电子电器有限公司为例论文.docx

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生产物流系统的物料配送流程优化 ——以中山市捷宝电子电器有限公司为例 【摘要】生产物流物料配送是将各种生产活动连接起来的重要过程。物料配送流程的好坏影响生产效率、生产物流成本的高低。本文以一个生产企业为例,研究其生产物流的物料配送流程,并对其进行优化,达到生产物流成本减少的目标。主要思路为建立排队论数学模型,计算出物料排队等待时间,并以减少等待时间和减少等待时间内造成的成本为优化目标。首先使用Python编程并结合遗传算法作为工具,寻找出最佳物料配送路线。再根据最佳配送路线的方向,修改原来的配送路径,计算结果显示修改前的总等待时间成本为1.65元,修改后则减少1.25元。接着在已优化配送路径的基础上,修改配送人员数量,等待时间成本再减少至0.65元。时间成本连续减少,说明达到了优化物料配送流程的目标。最后使用Flexsim建立配送流程的仿真模型,验证了改变配送人员数量的优化方法的正确性。 【关键词】生产物流;物料配送;排队论;遗传算法;Flexsim Optimization of material distribution process in production logistics systemsan -- Take Zhongshan Jiebao Electronic Appliance Co., Ltd. as an example [Abstract] The material distribution of production logistics is an important process to connect all kinds of production activities. The quality of material distribution process affects production efficiency and production logistics cost. Taking a production enterprise as an example, this paper studies the material distribution process of its production logistics, and optimizes it to achieve the goal of reducing production logistics cost. The main idea is to establish the mathematical model of queuing theory, calculate the waiting time of material queuing, and take reducing the waiting time and the cost caused by the waiting time as the optimization objective. First of all, we use Python Programming and genetic algorithm as a tool to find the best material distribution route. According to the direction of the best distribution route, the original distribution route is modified. The calculation results show that the total waiting time cost before modification is 1.65 yuan, and after modification, it is reduced by 1.25 yuan. Then, based on the optimized distribution path, the number of distribution personnel is modified, and the waiting time cost is reduced to 0.65 yuan. The continuous reduction of time cost shows that the objective of optimizing material distribution process is achieved. Finally, Flexsim is used to build the simulation model of the distribution process, which



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