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2021 届广东省高二上学期英语期末考试试题分类汇编-七选五含答案 广东省佛山市2020-2021 学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多 余选项。 Faux pas is a French word which means words or behaviors that make us look impolite or rude - when in fact we did not mean to be impolite or rude. For example: We ask a lady "Oh, when is the baby due?” when the lady is not actually pregnant (怀孕的)一 she's just quite overweight. When we make a faux pas, we often realize our mistake immediately, but it's too late. 26 Generally speaking, don't try to hide the mistake. This will always make the situation worse. Apologizing is not the solution, either. In fact, trying to apologize will probably make the situation much worse. The most effective method is the story method. So before reacting, take a deep breath, keep calm and follow the simple story rule: tell a story - of a bigger, more serious faux pas. 27 If you tell the story quickly and in a convincing way, your embarrassment will disappear. 28 This one works best when you are the victim (受害者)of a faux pas. If you are the artist and someone says "I think these paintings look like they were painted by a drunk child.” You can reply with: "Oh, that's exactly the style I was trying to achieve - the drunk child style." 29 That way, the person will feel less bad about the original comment. Remember, modem manners (礼貌)do not mean being perfect. 30 You need to react in the correct way instead of hiding. So now you know how to deal with a faux pas, and you are one step closer to having perfect modem manners. A. Another method is the joke method. B. How can we avoid making such mistakes? C. There's another way to correct our mistakes. D. It means fixing a social situation that has gone wrong. E. Your reply sends the message that you don't really care.



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