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毕业设计任务书 一、设计题目:烟雾报警器设计 二、设计目标 设计一个由单片机控制烟雾报警器,能够对房间烟雾浓度进行检测,假如超出设定浓度,能够进行声、光报警。经过设计,掌握数据采集系统工作原理、掌握计算机控制系统设计原理、设计步骤,深入提升综合利用知识能力。 三、设计内容和要求 (1)选择传感器,设计接口电路,要求烟雾浓度范围。 (2)设计声光报警电路,要求达成设定浓度就进行报警。 (3)烟雾报警器信号采集模块设计; 烟雾报警器报警模块设计;烟雾报警器软件设计。 四、设计工作任务进度 第一周:查阅资料、调研、确立设计方案;选择器件。 第二周:系统总体方案和硬件设计。 第三周:系统软件设计,并加以完善整个设计。 第四面:修改整个设计,最终进行答辩。 摘要 伴随社会和经济发展,防火工作越来越关键,不过现在中国很多研发全部侧重于大型场所火灾报警。所以,我们就有必需研制一个结构简单、经济实用家庭烟雾报警器以适应市场需求。基于供家庭使用烟雾报警器应该含有基础要求和功效,文章设计了一个比较适合烟雾报警器。 本设计以传感器和单片机作为烟雾报警器设计关键器件,配合其它器件即可实现声光报警、自动排烟换气和消防灭火等功效。设计中单片机选择AT89C51作为控制器件,传感器选择QM-N5型气体传感器实现对烟雾检测。烟雾报警器关键由烟雾信号采集及前置放大电路、模数转换电路、单片机控制电路、显示电路、声光报警电路和安全保护电路组成,设计合理、简单易懂、价格低廉,使单片机在烟雾报警系统控制中得到充足应用,含有一定实用价值。论文关键针对烟雾报警系统中各个组成部分及功效进行了具体介绍和说明,并对其主控电路和外围设备电路之间接口连接方法,和系统软件设计进行了关键分析和讲解。 关键词:烟雾报警器;单片机;传感器 Abstract With the development of social and economic,the prevention of fire are more and more important.However, in the present, most of research and development of fire alarm systems only focus on large sites. Therefore, it is necessary to design a simple, economical and practical family Smoke Alarm to meet the market demand. Taking both the basic requirement and the function of family Smoke Alarms should have into account, thesis designs a suitable smoke alarm for household using. Which the sensor and the microcontroller of the design is the most important part of alarm devices, with other devices can achieve alarming with sound and light, automatically reducing smoke and fighting fire ,etc. IN design, microcontroller used AT89C51 and select QM-N5 Gas Sensor to detect smoke. Smoke alarm mainly by the signal acquired circuit, A/D converted circuit, MCU controlled circuit,displayed circuit and alarming with sound and light circuit,reasonable design, simple structure, easy to use, inexpensive. As a result, the microcontroller in the control of the smoke alarm system is fully applied. Therefore, this design about smoke alarm has practical value. Thesis give detailed introduction for the function and theory of the various component


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