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The Awakening of Western Women in Shakespeare's Works -- A Case Analysis of Portia PAGE PAGE 2 PAGE PAGE 12 Abstract Shakespeare was a giant in the English theater during the Renaissance. His images, especially those of women, were very impressive. Under the influence of humanism, western women dared to challenge the feudal forces and fight for the freedom of love, which reflected the strong demand of humanists for breaking through the shackles of traditional concepts, fighting for the liberation of personality and the freedom of love and their desire for a new life. This thesis intends to explore the awakening of western women in Shakespeare's works in three aspects: personality freedom, intelligence use and brave love, by taking the most representative woman written by Shakespeare -- Portia as an example. Starting from the plot of the Merchant of Venice, it is of great significance to explore the awakening of western women in the Renaissance period by comparing and analyzing Portia's artistic image, her application of knowledge and wisdom, her pursuit of free love and her awakening of personality liberation. Key Words: Portia; the awakening of western women; comparison and case analysis; Shakespeare 摘要 莎士比亚是文艺复兴时期英国戏剧界的一位巨人。他的形象,尤其是女性形象,给人留下了深刻的印象。人文主义的影响下,西方女性敢于挑战封建势力和争取自由的爱情,反映了人文主义者的强劲需求,突破传统观念的束缚,争取个性解放和爱情的自由和对新生活的渴望。本文拟以莎士比亚笔下最具代表性的女性——鲍西娅为例,从人格自由、智慧运用和勇敢的爱情三个方面来探讨西方女性在莎士比亚作品中的觉醒。从《威尼斯商人》的情节出发,通过对鲍西娅的艺术形象、她对知识和智慧的运用、她对自由爱情的追求、她对人格解放的觉醒等方面的比较和分析,探讨文艺复兴时期西方女性的觉醒具有重要的意义。 关键词:鲍西娅; 西方女性的觉醒;对比及案例分析;莎士比亚 Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………1 2. Shakespeare and His Works 3 3. The Awakening of Western Women3 3.1 Liberation of individuality 4 3.2 Use of knowledge and wisdom 5 3.3 Persistence of love8 4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………...…9 Works Cited……………………………………………………………….12 The Awakening of Western Women in Shakespeare's Works -- A Case Analysis of Portia 1.Introduction Shakespeare is most successful in plays in his life.He is a


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