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PAGE PAGE # 第8课时八年级下册Un its 1 ~ 2 选择填空 you?( 2019 -原创)—What's the matter you? —I have a sore throat. A. with B. on C. in D. about — Look! I found a wallet in the classroom. —You should give it to its . He must be upset about los ing it. volunteer B . nurse C. passenger D . owner — Why are you so , Amy? —I thought I lost my purse, but I did n't. I found it in my study! excited B . angry C. sad D. n ervous — Did you take your ? ——Yes, I have a little fever. medici ne B . photo C. seat D. temperature . The Internet is so closely conn ected with our daily life. Can you the life without it? A. understand B . imagine C. con sider D . expect at n ight, so she chats with. She's always afraid whe n she stays at home her friends on the phone. at n ight, so she chats with aloud B . simply C. alone D. away an early an early . David Burt's dream in China is to go into the west and childhood school there. A. clea n up B . look up C. give up D. set up & Betty has alove for ani mals so she ofte n works as a volun teer to help & Betty has a weak B . strong C . strange D . fair 9. — I don't care what people think. —Well, you . You're not alone in the world. can B. may C. should D. will 10 . — I have a pain in my back. .You'd better see a doctor. rm sorry to hear that Nothing serious It does n't matter Congratulations n.完形填空 (2017 ?山东济南中考)Have you ever worked as a volunteer? Volunteers don't get paid for what they do, but the experie nee of helpi ng others can be more valuable tha n 1 . There are many charities( 慈善机构 )around the world. They are always in need of volunteers who want to make a differe nee. Do you want to 2 a volun teer? Think about what skills you have. If you speak more tha n one Ianguage or you are good at 3 things, you can find places to use your skills to help other people. Volun teeri ng does n't always mean doing great thi ngs. You can start with 4 things. There is a famous say ing that goes, “ Charity beg ins at home ” . If peopl e help those around


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