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单元加餐练 加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练 完形填空 One day, a boy was playing in a garden. He was running after butterflies and trying to catch them. He was very __1__ to see the colorful flowers, too. Then he saw a frog skipp ing and __2__. As he ran behi nd the frog, it went into the pond. A cow was eating grass in the garden. He saw how the cow was __3__ grass. A fly then came there and buzzed over the __4__. It swung its tail to make the fly move away. The child clapped and __5__. _ The boy was enjoying the beauty of nature. He said, “Nature is 6 . Its beauty attracts every one. ” Whenhe saw a squirrel, he ran after it and 7 near the bed of roses. He tried to pick some of the roses, but a thor n ( 刺) __8__ his fin ger. It was very pain ful. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z The boy started __9__ _and ran to his mother who was in the __10__. _ His mother asked him, “What is the matter ?” The boy said, “The thorn of the rose __11 my fin ger while I was pick ing it and now I feel 12 pain. ” His mother said, “ That was your _ 13__. You should not have tried to pick the flower. The flowers are meant to be __14 and not to be picked. Besides, natural beauty should never be __1匚__. We should help to protect nature. ” The son said, “I will _ 16_ remember what you have just told me, Mom” The Mother said, "Let me know what you have __17 _ today. ” Her son explained, “We should protect _ 18__ living beings, whether ani mals or __19 . We should n ever harm them. We should not harm n ature. __20__ we do, it may harm us in the long run, too. ” 语篇解读:一个小男孩去摘玫瑰, 结果被玫瑰的刺弄伤了, 他妈妈告诉他不要破坏大自 然的美,而应该保护大自然的美。 A.angry B. bored C. worried D . happy 解析:选D小男孩看到美丽的花,他应该很“快乐”。 flyi ngrunningskippi ng 以及青蛙到了水塘里的语境,chew ingdamagi ng TOC \o "1-5" \h \z flyi ng running skippi ng 以及青蛙到了水塘里的语境, chew ing damagi ng C. jumping D . 解析:选C小男孩看到的是一只青蛙,根据 可知青蛙在“跳”。 A.washing B . C. cleaning D . C C. place D . mistake 解析:选 B 根据上文“ A cow was eating grass in the garden. ”可知小男孩在观 察牛怎样“咀嚼”草的。 4. A.butterfly B . boy C. frog D . cow 解析:选 D 根据下文“ It s


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