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英语学科教师教案 辅导科目:英语 学员姓名: 年 级: 学管老师 : 学科教师: 课时数: 3K 第____次课 课 题 First Aid 急救 课 型 □ 预习课 □ 同步 □ 复 □ 习题课 □ 拓展 授课日期及时段 教 学 目 的 掌握本次 ,句型及 法点 重 难 点 辨析 essential, indispensable, necessary 教 学 内 容 一.复习上次课 二.新课导入 1.课文内容 A boy fell ill . His organs were damaged by the radiation of an infrared ray stove. But before the ambulance arrived, a number of other injuries happened to this unlucky boy over and over again. First, he was choked by some poisonous liquid from the kettle on the cupboard. Then his wrist skin was burnt by electric shock. Finally, his ankle was cut by apan. Fortunately, the boy’ nurse gave him proper temporary treatments according to his complex symptoms. She mildly squeezed the poisonous liquid out of his throat and put bandages firm ly in place to apply pressure to the ankle wound to stop bleeding. As for the burn, she used scissorsto remove his sleeve, poured a basin of cold water over the burn to cool it and put her hands on a damp blouseto cover his swollen tissue tightly. She also inspired his bravery to fight against the unbearable pain. Her first aid made a vital difference in saving his life. A ceremonywas held to honour the nurse who overcame avariety of barrier s to save the boy. 2. 知识点详解 (1) aid [eid] vt. 帮助,帮忙,援助; 助;救助: to aid someone in his work 在工作上帮助某人 We will aid their struggle against violent repression. 我 将帮助他 反抗残暴的 迫。 to aid the homeless victims of the fire 救援无家可 的火灾受害者 促 ;有助于: These facilities aided his scientific studies. 些 有助于他的科学研究。 vi. 帮助: to aid materially in developing ? ?的 展提供大力援助 n. 帮助,援助;救助,救 ; 助,接 帮手,助手; 助者; 助手段; 助 第 1 页 外援 , 外援助 (= foreign aid) with the aid of 在?的帮助下,在?援助下 give aid to ?予帮助 first aid 急救;急救 理 aid invt. 帮助;帮助(在 ... 予帮助) financial aid 援助;助学金; 政 助 (2) essential [i'sen ??l] adj. ( 绝对 ) 必要的,必不可少的,必需的;很重要的 本 的, 的;基本的;基 的,首要的,主要的 adv. essentially 本 上;本来 n. essence 本 , ;精 ;香精 辨析 essential, indispensable, necessary essential a. 表示属于某事物的要素或特征是 " 主要的,核心的,本 的,必不可少的" 。 The essential point is we must do



