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2011-2012 学年第一学期英语淇县高中导学案 Unit 1 Lifestyles 教材导学 【单元导航】 Healthy eating during the workdays seems like a joke to many office - dwellers.With urgent date lines and meetings that intrude into the lunch hour , food from the nearest canteen or coffee shop is often the most popular choice.Furthermore , sitting in a room with no windows for hours causes you to feel bored and reach for that bag of potato chips you stashed in your drawer.In short , this long - term pattern of eating cafeteria food and high - calorie snacks will only cause health problems for you , especially if you don ’ t have the habit to exercise after you leave the office.The hectic pace of the workplace should nonetheless not dictate how healthy your meals are.Here are some tips on how you can improve on what you eat in the office : 1 .Bring your own food The consensus of health and nutrition professionals is that you will eat much better and healthier food if you plan ahead and make your own lunch boxes.This allows you to control what goes into your meal,rather than rely on the high sodium and oily dishes from the canteen.Remember to include servings of vegetables and fruits.When you get the craving to snack , go for unsalted nuts and preserved fruit , instead of potato chips and chocolate bars. 2 .Control portions to control your waistline Portioning out your pre - packed lunches and snacks is the key to eating healthily in the office.We all have a natural tendency to finish the serving we have ,whatever the size is , even though cravings are easily satisfied with small amounts. 3 .Healthier choices If bringing your own lunch is not feasible , go for healthier options when eating out.Choose fish ball soup noodles over greasy fried Hokkien meat, or Subway sandwiches over a burger and fries combo.You will notice the difference straightaway when you feel less sluggish in the afternoon. I am going to lead a healthy lifestyle , what about you? Period One Warm-up & Lesson 1 A Perfect


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