小学英语_Unit2 There are three brown monkeys.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_Unit2 There are three brown monkeys.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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There are three brown monkeys.教学效果分析 《There are three brown monkeys.》是外研社一起点英语教材的七模块的第二单元。在本课中,教师根据课文创设的动物园的情景,设计了不同层次的练习。用课文情境感知了语言知识,理解、课文内容,操练环节,教师给学生创设了一个和课文情境有关联的生活化场景,进行师生,生生的互动。在一种师生、生生的情境中让学生感受到学习任务的真实性,从而让他们愿意参与到活动来,运用中来。在运用环节中,通过巩固题目的设计,让学生从课文走向语用的天地,通过让学生大胆的输出,真正提高学生在运用时的准确性。 在这节课中老师能够熟练运用多媒体进行教学,目标明确,教学辅助应用恰当,师生互动频繁,学生学习和教师教学效果较好。教师在教学过程中,利用信息技术给学生提供了形象直观、和谐高效的交互式学习环境,同时带给学生图文声并茂的多重感官综合刺激,教师除了利用文本和图片信息,还充分使用了声音、动画等动态资源,合理高效的处理了本节课的重难点,使信息技术与学科整合得到了有效融合,充分发挥了信息技术在学科教学中的独特优势。 M7U2 There are three brown monkeys.教学设计 奎文区胜利东小学 耿童 一、教学目标 1.学生能熟练掌握数字及颜色的单词。 2.学生能够灵活运用There is/are…句型。 3.培养学生热爱动物热爱大自然的情感。 二、教学重难点 1.表示数量及颜色的单词。 2. 运用There is/are句型来表达某处存在的某物 三、教学过程 1.Greeting and warm up T: Hello, boys and girls. (Hello, teacher). How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you. T: First, let’s enjoy a cartoon about tigers. Do you like tigers? 看老虎的小动画。Wow! There are so many tigers. Who can answer me how many tigers are there? Ss: 6 tigers. T: And where can we see tigers? Ss: Zoo.(将动物园大门的图片贴在黑板上) T: There are many animals at the zoo. Do you know there name?(尽可能多的说出动物并模仿) Wow! You know so many animals. Let’s play a game!(火眼金睛) You did a very good job. 分组:Today our topic is about animals. So I divide you into two groups—Monkey group and Tiger group. Let’s see who can get more animals! OK? 2. New learning 1) T:Today Panpan and his son come to the zoo. They will see lots of animals. Let’s visit the zoo with them. Firstly they come to the monkey hill. 拿出三只小猴的卡片。How many monkeys can you see? Ss: Three monkeys. (用卡片展示Three monkeys并跟读) PPT展示monkey—monkeys 及there is 和there are 的对比。So There are three monkeys. What color is it? Ss : Brown. T:Yes! 领读brown. PPT展示色彩卡片。Let’s say them together. T:So there are three brown monkeys. 操练句子。排火车。拍卡片。I have a challenge for you. Who is missing? PPT展示句子,越来越多单词消失,让学生来说。 2) Then they come to see tigers. 展示七只老虎卡片。How many tigers are there? Ss: 7 tigers. T: What color is it? Ss: black, yellow… T: Yes, they are black and yellow. 卡片展示并领读seven blac


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