2021英语冀教版九年级全册Unit4 Stories and poems Lesson21课件.pptxVIP

2021英语冀教版九年级全册Unit4 Stories and poems Lesson21课件.pptx

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Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 21  Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语1. 寓言n. _____2. 斧子n. ___3. 银的; 银adj. & n. _____ 4. 原则; 政策 n. ______fableaxesilverpolicy合成词5. woodcutter 是 _______, 意为“伐木工”。由wood“木头”+ cutter“砍伐者”构成。类似的有 _________ (公交车司机)6. admit为动词, 意为“承认, 赞同”, 其过去式和过去分词均为“________”7. 跳入……中; 潜入 ___________8. 下沉________?9. 改编自…… _______________?busdriveradmitteddive into. . . ?go downbe adapted fromⅡ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. 当他在湖边伐木时, 他把斧子掉进了水里。When he ___ _______wood beside a lake, he lost his axe in the water. 2. 他只有一把斧子, 他需要靠它谋生。He had ____ ____axe, and he needed it to ____ _________. was cuttingonly onemake hisliving3. 她听了伐木工的话后, 为他感到遗憾。She _______ __the woodcutter and ___ _____for him. 4. 因为他是诚实的, 他向精灵坦诚那不是他的斧子。 _______he was honest, he ________ __the spirit that it wasn’t his axe. listened tofelt sorryBecauseadmitted to5. 精灵又一次跳入水中, 带回了伐木工的那把旧斧子。The spirit went down _ _____ _____and returned ____the woodcutter’s old axe. 6. 精灵对伐木工的诚实是如此的满意, 以至于她把其他的两把斧子作为礼物送给了他。The spirit ___ __ _____ _____the woodcutter’s honesty ____ she gave him the _____ ___ _____as presents. a third timewithwas so happy withother two axesthatⅢ. Read the text and answer the questions1. Why did the woodcutter cry when he lost his axe in the lake? ___________________________________________________2. What have you learned from the text? ____________________________? He had only one axe, and he needed it to make his living. ? Honesty truly is the best policy. 要点1 make a living 谋生 ?Step 1难点·探(1)make a living的同义短语是什么? (2)make a living后常跟什么介词引出谋生的方式? Step 2语境·悟 *He had only one axe, and he needed it to make his living. 他只有一把斧子, 他需要靠它谋生。(P54)*They make their living by selling vegetables in the market. 他们靠在市场上卖菜为生。*He turned to writing to earn/make a living. 他转向以写作谋生。Step 3知识·得 谋生的说法Step 4考点·练①这个小女孩靠卖火柴为生。 The little girl ________________selling matches. ?made her living byB( )②Peter likes to read books very much. He wants to make_________ by _________books in the future. ?A. a life; selling B. a living;


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