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中考英语试题易错小结 166180 guo 中考 道在考 后及 公布各科中考 答案和中考作文及 卷 家点 , 广大考生家 关注。 光 逝,暑假 去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否,无 准 与否,我 已走 初三,走 近我 的梦 ! 祝愿决 xx 中考的新初三学 能加倍努力,在 xx 年中 考中也能取得 异的成 。 166.They each _______ a copy of the new physics. A. have B. has C. having D. gets 解析: 答案 A。They each 不等于 each of ?, each of 个 作主 用 数如 each of the students hands in their homework,而 they each 作主 , 要随 each 前面的 来 化。 167.Not only ____ this machine but ____ it. A. can he run ?? can he repair B. can he run  ?? he can repair C. he can run  ?? he can repair D. he can run  ?? can he repair 解析: 答案  B,在  not only  ?? but (also)  句型中,只 有 but 前面的部分倒装, but 后面仍是正常 序。 168.____ that he went to sleep.A It was until midnight B That was until midnight C It was not until midnight D That was not until  midnight 解析: 答案  C。  until  构 ,要将否定  not  移到  until 前。又如: He didn't leave until twelve twelve that he left. 169. There are a lot of students talk B talking C talked D to talk  改为 It was not until ____ in the class room.A 解析:该题正确答案为  B。 There be  句型为倒装句,可换为  A lot of students are talking in the class room.  又如: There is a lot of noise heard out in the street. 170. While ____my homework, I heard a cry for help.A do B did C doing D having done 解析:该题答案为 C。该空处省略了 I'm, 相当于 while I'm doing my home work. 如: While playing guitar, he is singing. The bus ____C__ on the road for 2 hours so far. A. has stopped B. stopped C. has been Are you __A___ the jacket these days? A. wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. on He __C______ foe 2 hours. A. got up B. has got up C. has been up You mustn't ___B_____ until he es back. A. be away B. leave C. be left 172. —These farmers have been to the United States. — Really ? When _____ there ? A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone 在完成 与一般 去 容易混淆,就是因 它 所表示的 作都 生在 去, 但二者又有区 : 一般 去 表示 去某个 生的事、存在的状 或 常 生的 作, 的 重点在于 述一件 去的事情,与 在没有关系 ; 在完成 表示与 在有关系的 生在 去的 作,它不与表示 去的 状 ( 如 yesterday , last week , a moment ago 等) 用。故 9 的正确答案 B. 173. His father ___



