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上海老凤祥有限公司有限公司盈利能力分析 【摘要】 近年来,随着我国国民经济迅速增长,人们的生活质量也随之提高,对珠宝之类的奢侈品的需求也在不断增长。上海老凤祥有限公司是有着百年历程的老店,通过对其盈利能力分析,能够较为详细了解上海老凤祥有限公司在目前竞争激烈的市场环境下生存发展的优势和劣势,并提出建议,规避劣势,将其优势继续发扬。企业盈利好与否,主要通过对财务报告的分析,来反映企业的经营状况,以便对过去企业的营业成果作出总结,了解当前的经营现状,并对未来经营模式提出改进方案,为企业平稳、持续、绿色发展提供可能。分析盈利能力的方法多种,本文选用其中一种——杜邦分析法,对上海老凤祥有限公司的盈利能力进行剖析,该分析法以股东权益报酬率为核心,然后分解为总资产净利率和权益乘数的乘积,总资产净利率又分解为销售净利率和总资产周转率的乘积,这样就能分别体现企业偿债能力、盈利能力和运营能力。 【关键词】盈利能力 杜邦分析法 资产结构 Analysis of profitability of Shanghai Lao Feng Xiang Co. Ltd 【Abstract】 In recent years, people’s living standard has improved as the rapid development of the national economy in China. Thus, there is an increasing demand for luxuries like jewelry. Shanghai Lao Feng Xiang Co. Ltd is a time-honored store with a history of a hundred years. Through the analysis of its profitability, we can have a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of its survival and development in the current market which is filled with keen competition, thereby giving suggestions, fostering the strength and circumventing the weakness. The enterprise profitability is analyzed by the data in the financial statement, which reflects the current operating state and enables the enterprise to draw a conclusion from the previous operating results and get to know the current operating state, thus putting forward an improvement plan and making it possible for the company to get a stable, sustainable and green development. There are various ways to analyze profitability. The thesis opts one way called DuPont Analysis to dissect the profitability of Lao Feng Xiang. Dupont Analysis focuses on Return on Stockholders' Equity then breaks up into product of JORA and equity multiplier. And JORA breaks up into product of sales net profit margin and total assets turnover, which can show the debt paying ability, profitability and operation ability of the enterprise respectively. Key Words: Profitability Dupont Analysis asset structure 目 录 TOC \o "2-3" \h \z \t "标题 1,1" 一、引言 1 (一


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