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PAGE 24 摘 要 家具行业在我国市场中发展势头很足,人们收入的提高也刺激了对家具产品的需求。经过对盈力水平的剖析,掌握企业经营成效及增减变化的内在起因。采取有效的对策,促进公司收益力的提升。鸿盛家具有限公司是一家以公寓家具,校内师生家具及办公家具等为主营的中小型企业。近年来公司积极研发生产新产品来促进产品销售,但企业的利润却没有相应增加。因此,本文通过对该公司相关资料进行收集,对该公司盈利历史、现状进行了解、通过分析,发现企业盈利能力存在着销售业绩下滑、成本把握不佳等问题。这篇文章主要对现存的问题结合该公司的实际情况提出完善销售计划,优化品牌定位、加强成本费用控制、提高存货管理水平及加强应收账款事前事中事后控制等相应的提升对策,这对公司盈利能力的提高和公司的发展尤为重要。 关键词:盈利能力;财务指标;问题与建议 ABSTRACT The furniture industry is developing very well in the Chinese market, and the increase in people’s income has also stimulated the demand for furniture products. After analyzing the profitability assessment, we grasp the internal causes of the company's business performance and the changes. Take prompt measures to promote the company's profitability. HongSheng Furniture is a small and medium-sized enterprise mainly engaged in apartment furniture, school teachers and student furniture and office furniture. The company has actively developed and produced new products to promote product sales, but the profits of the company have not increased correspondingly. Therefore, this paper collects relevant information of the company, understands the company's profit history and current situation, and uses literature research method and trend analysis method to analyze the financial indicators of corporate profitability, and then finds that the company's profitability has sales performance. Slopes, poor cost control and other issues. This article mainly proposes a comprehensive sales plan based on the existing problems in combination with the actual situation of the company, optimizes brand positioning, strengthens cost control, improves inventory management level, and strengthens the post-event control of accounts receivable in advance. It is especially important for the company's profitability and the company's development. KEYWORDS:Profitability;Financial Indicators;Issues and Recommendations 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z 摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 目 录 iii 1绪论 1 1.1选题背景、研究目的和意义……..….……….……………………….…1 1.1.1选



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