视觉传达设计 基于地域文化下的品牌设计应用研究—以中洞村旅游为例.docVIP

视觉传达设计 基于地域文化下的品牌设计应用研究—以中洞村旅游为例.doc

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PAGE 19 中文摘要 中国红色文化是传承和发展革命精神,弘扬中国优秀传统文化的文化底蕴与精神内涵,对促进革命老区和红色文化旅游区的快速发展具有重要作用与意义。惠东县高谭镇中洞村是惠东县的红色革命根据地,因近两年旅游业的发展,这片革命老区才逐渐广为人知,但中洞村地处山区,地理位置偏僻,对外发展与传播仍然有限,为了能更好的传播该地域的红色文化,因此以中洞村为主体,红色文化为背景,进行一个有关中洞村红色文化的旅游品牌设计。 本文深入探究中洞村红色文化的内涵,展示中洞村红色文化的内在精神,对其针对性的设计创作是推广该地区红色文化的一个手段,从视觉传达设计的角度出发,进行中洞村红色文化旅游品牌设计,让中洞村红色文化通过画面传递出真正的红色精神,展现中洞村红色文化的巨大魅力。 最后,根据论文研究的方向,以中洞村为例,进行红色文化旅游品牌设计实践与应用,进一步探索论文理论成果的可行性。 关键词: 地域文化 红色文化 品牌设计 Abstract Chinese red culture is to inherit and develop the revolutionary spirit, carry forward the cultural deposits and spiritual connotation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and play an important role and significance in promoting the rapid development of old revolutionary base areas and red culture tourism areas. Huidong county is Gotham town hole in the village of huidong county red revolutionary base areas, for the past two years the development of tourism, the old revolutionary base areas became well known, but the hole in the village is located in the mountains, remote, international development and transmission remains limited, in order to better spread the regional red culture, so a hole in the village as the main body, the red culture as the background, conducting a hole in the village red cultural tourism brand design. This paper delve into holes in the village of red culture connotation, show the hole in the village of red culture inherent spirit, the corresponding design creation is to promote the region a means of red culture, from the perspective of visual communication design, hole village red cultural tourism brand design, make holes in the village of red culture passing through the true spirit of the red, show the charm of the hole in the village of red culture. Finally, according to the research direction of the paper, with zhongdong village as an example, the red culture tourism brand design practice and application, further explore the feasibility of the theoretical results of the paper. Key words: Regional culture Red cultu


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