杭州市全家便利店配送中心选址评价研究 毕业论文(物流管理专业).docxVIP

杭州市全家便利店配送中心选址评价研究 毕业论文(物流管理专业).docx

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第PAGE 目  录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘要 1 一、绪论 3 (一)研究背景 3 (二)研究意义 3 二、杭州市全家便利店配送现状分析 4 (一)全家便利店概况 4 (二)杭州市全家便利店配送现状 5 三、杭州市全家便利店配送中心选址的影响因素 6 (一) 配送中心选址的原则 6 (二)杭州市全家便利店配送中心选址的影响因素 7 (三)配送中心选址评价方法 8 1.层次分析法 8 2.模糊综合评价法 10 四、杭州市全家便利店配送中心选址评价 12 (一)指标体系构建 12 (二)权重确定 14 (三)综合评价 16 五、结论与展望 21 (一)结论 21 (二)展望 22 参考文献 23 杭州市全家便利店配送中心选址评价研究 摘要:连锁便利店因服务质量和给人们购买方便而在市场有立足之地,很多消费者也表示认可这种消费方式。便利店为了节约配送开支,通常都会采取同一方向或者同一片区执行统一配送。连锁企业通过自营配送中心来完成商品的采购和配送工作,而配送中心的位置直接影响到配送的费用和速度,因此配送中心的选址决定了企业配送的效率和成本。配送中心规划好配送地址和配送计划,合理分配配置的方向和区域,为企业节约成本,给配送省时省力,提高市场竞争力。本文基于杭州市全家便利店分布及配送的现状,遵循配送中心选址的原则和影响因素,从定性分析和定量分析角度进行配送中心选址研究,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对备选地址进行综合评价,最终得到最佳的配送中心选址。 关键词:配送中心选址;选址评价研究;层次分析法;模糊综合评价法 Abstract: Chain convenience stores are loved by more and more consumers because of their unique services. Convenience stores generally adopt the way of unified distribution and reduced operating costs, which has developed rapidly in recent years. Chain enterprises complete the purchase and distribution of goods through their own distribution center, and the location of distribution center directly affects the cost and speed of distribution, so the location of distribution center determines the efficiency and cost of enterprise distribution. Scientific and reasonable location of distribution center is conducive to improving the operation efficiency and market competitiveness, as well as promoting the optimal allocation of social resources and reducing the total cost of society. Based on the distribution and distribution status of family convenience stores in Hangzhou, following the principles and influencing factors of distribution center location, this paper studies distribution center location from the perspective of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, uses AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to comprehensively evaluate the alternative address, and finally obtains the best distribution center location. Key words:Distribu



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