发票信息查询系统的设计与实现 计算机科学与技术(毕业论文).docVIP

发票信息查询系统的设计与实现 计算机科学与技术(毕业论文).doc

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摘 要 随着计算机的扩大应用,管理信息系统也在随之被应用广泛。近几十年来,不断有企业开始采用管理信息系统来进行企业模块化管理,例如库存信息,以及本文中提到的发票管理。发票在一家企业中扮演着无比重要的角色,它可以体现出整个购销过程。因此,管理信息系统在此环节起了重要的作用。 本论文研究了一家企业如何使用管理信息系统进行对发票的管理,从而使得整个购销流程变得简单明了。通过研究,本设计采用了SAP语言,ABAP环境进行设计、编程以及后续的测试与运行,实现了将订单信息和发票号相结合,以一览表的形势显示以订单发票为起点的发票流,确认各账单的状况。本次设计分为选择画面和一览画面,选择画面进行筛选条件输入,一览画面将显示信息,用户可通过多种不同组合的筛选条件进行查询不同的信息,从而达到整个流程简约方便。 该系统由两个主要模块组成,据研究发现它具有搜索和显示功能。系统根据其所需要的功能来以SPA技术为平台进行开发,采用ABAP做后台数据库,选择SAP GUI750为开发工具,实现查询与显示发票为一体的功能。经过测试,本系统具有较好的实用性,通过SAP平台,实现了购销流程简单明了,交易流程透明化。 关键字:SAP,发票管理,购销流程 Abstract With the expansion of computer application, management information system is also widely used. In recent decades, many enterprises begin to use management information system to carry out modular management, such as inventory information, and invoice management mentioned in this paper. Invoice plays an extremely important role in an enterprise. It can reflect the whole purchase and sale process. This paper studies how an enterprise uses the management information system to manage invoices, so that the whole purchase and sale process becomes simple and clear. Through the research, the design adopts SAP language, ABAP environment for design, programming and subsequent testing and operation, realizes the combination of order information and invoice number, displays the invoice retention, confirm the status of each bill. The selection screen and the list screen are the key contents of this design. The selection screen is used for filtering condition input. The list screen will display information. Users can combine the screening conditions to query the corresponding information, the process is more simple and convenient. The system consists of two modules, each of which has the functions of query and display.According to the functions required by the system, the technologies used include: Taking SAP as the development platform, using ABAP as the background database, selecting SAP gui750 as the development tool, realizing the function of query and display


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