LT公司跨境电商出口物流模式优化研究 毕业论文(物流管理专业).docxVIP

LT公司跨境电商出口物流模式优化研究 毕业论文(物流管理专业).docx

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PAGE 46 摘要 近年来,经济全球化进程加快、科学技术发展迅猛、国家政策大力支持,我国跨境电子商务发展飞速,2018年创历史新高。但随着跨境电商的发展,我国跨境出口物流的弊端也逐渐显现,目前跨境物流是阻碍我国跨境电子商务发展的瓶颈。所以对企业来说选择合适的出口物流模式至关重要。 本文立足于跨境电商快速发展背景,分析了跨境物流和跨境电商的关系,对LT公司现有的4种出口物流模式进行了比较分析。通过分析LT公司现有出口物流模式,归纳LT公司目前出口物流模式存在的物流成本高、配送周期长、供应链不顺畅、出口物流模式选择界定不清等问题,并针对问题提出了相应的优化措施。随后运用层次分析法构建了基于AHP分析下出口物流模式选择模型,并对LT公司的服饰类商品使用上述AHP模型进行出口物流模式选择。本文的研究可以帮助LT公司优化出口物流模式,也可以为其他跨境电商企业出口物流模式优化提供借鉴和参考。 关键词:跨境电商,跨境物流,出口物流模式,层次分析法 Abstract In recent years, the process of economic globalization has accelerated, science and technology have developed rapidly, and national policies have strongly supported it. China's cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly and reached a record high in 2018. However, with the development of cross-border e-commerce, the drawbacks of China's cross-border export logistics have gradually emerged. At present, cross-border logistics is a bottleneck that hinders the development of cross-border e-commerce in China. Therefore, it is very important for enterprises to choose the appropriate export logistics model. Based on the rapid development background of cross-border e-commerce, this paper analyzes the relationship between cross-border logistics and cross-border e-commerce, and compares the existing four export logistics models of LT. By analyzing the existing export logistics mode of LT Company, it summarizes the problems of high logistics cost, long delivery period, unsatisfactory supply chain and unclear definition of export logistics mode in LT's current export logistics mode, and proposes corresponding optimization for the problem. Measures. Then, using the analytic hierarchy process, the export logistics model selection model based on AHP analysis was constructed, and the export logistics model of LT company's apparel products was selected using the above AHP model. The research in this paper can help LT Company to optimize the export logistics mode, and also provide reference and reference for the optimization of export logistics mode of o


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