中小物流企业发展战略-以苏州大数供应链管理有限公司为例 毕业论文(物流管理专业).docxVIP

中小物流企业发展战略-以苏州大数供应链管理有限公司为例 毕业论文(物流管理专业).docx

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PAGE PAGE 28 中小物流企业发展战略研究 ——以苏州大数供应链管理有限公司 摘 要 现如今,制造业竞争比较激烈,大部分企业为了增强竞争力,采用外包的方式,将物流转让给中小物流企业,以此来降低成本,给中小物流企业带来了巨大发展契机,中小企业要想抓住这一发展契机必须要制定良好发展战略,才能够提高自我核心竞争力。 本文阐述了中小物流企业发展策略,以苏州大数供应链管理有限公司为例,通过SWOT分析,研究中小物流企业的发展现状,主要从中小物流企业运营现状和发展环境进行详细分析,找出中小物流企业发展面临的主要问题。最后,以苏州大数供应链管理有限公司具体发战略布局为例,对中小物流企业提出发展战略措施。 关键词 中小物流企业;运营现状;物流管理;发展战略 Research on the development strategy of small and medium-sized logistics enterprises:Based on suzhou dazu supply chain management co., LTD Abstract Nowadays, the competition in the manufacturing industry is fierce. In order to enhance the competitiveness, most enterprises transfer the logistics to third-party logistics companies in the way of outsourcing, so as to reduce the cost and improve the core competitiveness of their enterprises in the market. So small and medium-sized logistics enterprises should seize the trend. With the development of small and medium-sized logistics enterprises, they will inevitably encounter a lot of problems. In order to share a share of the market, small and medium-sized enterprises must optimize the company's management mode. This article mainly from the theoretical analysis and the empirical study demonstrates that small and medium-sized logistics enterprises operating conditions, this paper from the study of suzhou supply chain co., LTD., analysis and research of large number of small and medium-sized logistics enterprise development strategy research, and affect the logistics indicators and measure management logistics development co., Keywords Small and Medium-sized Logistics Interprises; Operating Status; Logistics Management; Improve the Countermeasures 目 录 第1章 绪论 5 1.1 研究背景 5 1.2 研究意义 6 1.3 研究内容和方法 7 1.3.1 研究内容 7 1.3.2 研究方法 7 第2章 相关理论和文献综述 10 2.1 中小物流企业的基本理论 10 2.1.1 中小物流企业的定义 10 2.1.2 中小物流企业特征 10 2.2 国内外文献综述 11 2.2.1 国外文献综述 11 2.2.2 国内文献综述 12 2.2.3 研究评述 12 2.3 本章小结 13 第3章 苏州大数供应链有限公司发展



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