陶苑餐厅点餐系统的设计与实现 计算机科学与技术(毕业论文).docxVIP

陶苑餐厅点餐系统的设计与实现 计算机科学与技术(毕业论文).docx

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PAGE PAGE 29 陶苑餐厅点餐系统的设计与实现 摘要:在本文中,通过对点餐系统的设计和创新研发,改变了我国传统的点餐模式。以陶苑餐厅为例,通过电子点餐系统,顾客便可以通过系统自主选择菜品,避免了因服务员人手不足,造成的等待点餐时间过长的问题。同时,通过该系统,顾客对菜单能够有更为具体的了解,通过系统图片能够看到菜品的具体样式,减少了点餐的失误,也在一定程度上,降低了餐厅的经营成本。随着互联网科技的快速发展,点餐系统的开发技术越来越成熟,成本投入也逐渐降低,鉴于此,以陶苑餐厅为对象,根据该餐厅实际情况,设计一套高效便捷的点餐系统,提高餐厅的服务质量,吸引更多的顾客前来消费,进而提高餐厅的核心竞争力,打造其品牌形象。 在该系统设计中,主要通过Web服务器进行相应的设计,实现多功能应用,如菜品的样式、价格、数量、饮料酒水以及相关分类等。同时,该系统的设计以Java Jdk作为软件开发工具包,同时对eclipse以及mysql进行安装,建立系统进行研发的网络环境,选择以mybatis以及springmvc作为该系统设计的框架,并通过java编程语言进行系统的编程。通过该系统的成功研发,对餐厅的点餐功能进行不断的完善,进而提高餐厅服务质量,促进餐厅的发展。 关键词:点餐系统;SSM;Eclipse;MySQL Design and implementation of order system in Taoyuan Restaurant Abstract:In this article, through the design and innovation of the ordering system, we have changed the traditional ordering model in China. Taking the Taoyuan restaurant as an example, through the electronic ordering system, customers can choose their own dishes through the system, which avoids the problem of too long wait time for ordering due to the shortage of waiters. At the same time, through the system, customers can have a more specific understanding of the menu, through the system pictures can see the specific style of dishes, reducing errors in ordering, and to a certain extent, reducing the restaurant's operating costs. With the rapid development of Internet technology, the development technology of the ordering system is becoming more and more mature, and the cost investment is also gradually reduced. In view of this, Taoyuan Restaurant is the object, according to the actual situation of the restaurant, design an efficient and convenient ordering system To improve the service quality of the restaurant and attract more customers to consume, thereby enhancing the core competitiveness of the restaurant and building its brand image. In the design of the system, the corresponding design is mainly carried out through the Web server to realize multi-functional applications, such as the style, price, quantity, drinks and related categories


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