9.人教版 一轮复习知识点讲解 八年级上Unit 7—Unit 8.pptVIP

9.人教版 一轮复习知识点讲解 八年级上Unit 7—Unit 8.ppt

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考点1 考点帮 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 Tom and Jane couldn’t agree on what film to see.汤姆和简在看什么电影这一问题上意见不同。 The children agreed this was a clever plan.孩子们认为这是一个巧妙的计划。[2018成都中考] agree 的用法 3.They     with each other because they have different ideas.(agree)? 4.After a three-hour discussion, they reached an     which made both pleased finally.(agree)? 5.—Nelly, I want to let my parents know the problems. —I quite   . After all, they have rich experience.(agree) 考点1 考点帮 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 好题在线 agree disagree agreement agree 的用法 考点1 考点帮 turn on 的用法 语境拓展 Turn on the blender.打开食物搅拌器。 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 turn on为动词短语,意为"接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开",当其后的宾语为名词时,放在on前后均可;当其后的宾语为代词时,必须放在turn与on之间。如: —Mom, may I turn on the TV/turn the TV on?妈妈,我能打开电视吗? —You can’t turn it on unless you finish your homework.除非你完成了家庭作业,否则你不能打开电视。 考点1 考点帮 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 提分速记 与turn相关的常用短语: turn on打开         turn off关掉 turn up开大;出现 turn down关小;拒绝 turn in上交 turn out结果是 turn to转向;向……求助 turn around转身;掉头 by turns/take turns/in turn轮流 turn over翻转 turn on 的用法 考点1 考点帮 妙辨异同 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 turn on 多指接通水、电流、煤气,打开电视等,其反义短语为turn off。 I opened the door, came into the house and turned on the light.我打开门,走进屋子,然后开了灯。 open 多指打开门、窗、柜子、盒子、抽屉、书本等,其反义词是close。 turn on/open turn on 的用法 6.—Could you turn     the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mail.? —Certainly, I’ll do it right away. 7.—Would you like to attend the party next week, Alice? —Sure, I’d love to. I have no reason to turn     your invitation.? 8.We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn’t turn     until 12:00.? 考点1 考点帮 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 好题在线 on down turn on 的用法 up 考点1 考点帮 add 的用法 语境拓展 Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water.接下来,将牛肉、胡萝卜和土豆放入锅中并加一些水。 考点2 考点3 考点4 考点5 考点6 add作动词,用法如下: (1)意为"增加,添加",常用于add sth. to sth.结构中,意为"把……加到……"。如: A good hobby adds a lot of fun to our spare life.良好的业余爱好为我们的业余生活增添了很多乐趣。[2018安徽中考] 考点1 考点帮 考点2 考点


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