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1. tribal 2 ? dominant 3 ? ObSCUrity 4 ? POPUlarity 5 ? UnaVOidable 6 ? ConCiSiOnZConCiSeneSS 7 ? imperfbciions 8 ? Iosi 9 ? CiiSPlaCed 10 ? irregularhies RCfCrCnCC key. 1 . back 2 ? IikC 3 ? UIngS 4?to 5?as 6 ? USe 7 ? COmPlinIentary 8 . ano±er 9■ because 10 ? as 11 ? more 12 ? Why 13 ? Well 14 ? What 15 ? understood 16 . DOnT 17 ? mcmioncd 18 ? Wilh 19 ? Wearing 20 ? IateSt 1 . the -> a 2 ? And -> BUt 3 ? WaS USCd -> USed 4 ? anything -> SOmCthmg 5 ? SOme day -> OnC day 6 ? Off ?> from 7 ? and don't -> Or don't 8 ? nearby -> near 9 . IOng -> IOnger 10 ? Straightly -> straight ? Dr. SUn WaS keen On SPOnS WhiIe he WaS S(Udying at college. Uften as no【,he had a πvo-kilomerer run round the CamPUS before breakfast. ? EdUCatiOn is to a human SOUl What gardening is to a PieCe Of land. ? The invasion Of FranCe by GemIany in 1942 demonstrated the might Of the NaZi militaπ? machine, WhiCh made Hitler all the more arrogant and COnCeited. ? HaVing been Weil PreParedr She managed to OVerCOme her USUal nervousness and delivered a SmOOth SPeeCh , Ollly StUnIbIing OnCe Or twice OVer the beginning Part? ? SteVen SPielberg is a talented director WelI known to everybody in the United States, and his movies have also appealed to PeOPIe Of all ages all OVer the WOrId? ? ThiS reasonably PriCed home-made refrigerator is COmParabIe in quality to (hat more expensive :mpoπed one. EngIiSh is One Of the major IangUageS Of the world. At the beginning Of the 19ιh century, EngIiSh was the native SPeeCh OfbareIy 15 million PeOPle. Today, it is USed regularly by as many as 400 million and is se∞nd Only to Chinese. Of the 3000 Or more tongues SPOken today, about half a dozen PredOminatey having among their SPeakerS two ±irds Of the WOrId,s POPUIatiOn. Englisk as One Of those influential and growing languages, is SPCken in areas WideIy SCattered OVer the globe. It is the native Or OffiCial IangUage Of One fifth Of the earh*s Iand SUrfaCey being USed throughout most Of the NOrth AmeriCan COntmeIIt a


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