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超级免费雅思真题大奉送(1) V21 Section 1 活动:end of term party 地点:Grouches 时间:7:30 am 每人票价:3 pounds 需要买什么:snacks drinks decoration 注意事项:map, transportation, 广告地点:common room , classroom, Section 2 讨论一个tour,tour officer对tourist作讲解 前面有四个选择肯定是CBBB 中间让选3个闲暇时可选择的活动,肯定有library和lecture,具体忘了。 后面填空3个答案肯定记得是 Thursday 9 a.m. 15 minutes等 Section 3 讲选课问题,选文学理论课 有个Dina 的人以前选过,两个新同学问她以前的内容, Dina得几分:A plus, Dina没去上课原因:it is cancelled 或cancelled 前有一道matching问ABCDE作者中哪个的书不适合读,肯定选一个叫类似Jefferson的人的书 长篇类似summary填空,有好多空格, 有以下几个肯定是答案,讲去图书馆借书看时的recall system,顺序及剩下的几个空不记得了 a pink slip, information desk,25 pence, essay plans等 Section 4 讨论犯罪问题 前面有选择题,一个选有unintentionally的,另一个选corporate crime吧好象,记不清了。 中间填空 有填media,being unawared, 最后两道matching,答案好象DE Version 23 Section 1 is about the theft happen in the street. The key words are West Street, where the thieves’ car is waiting there. An elderly women was robbed her wallet and $50 in it, fortunately her is unhurt. A witness reported the robbery to policeman. The young thief was 17, curly black hair, tall and slim, whereas the elder thief is 35 y/o, the distinguished feature is a small scar in his chins. Section 2 is about the university resources. IN library you can borrow books, cassettes, videos. The other key words are book advance. There are 300 hundred students in the course, but only 150 was new students. Teachers are mainly from United States, South Africa and Australia; this should fill 3 in teachers’ nationality. Section 3 is telling the story of Wrighters Brother. Wrighters Brother record can compare the data and found it was completely wrong. They solved two problems: Wind Design by using wind tunnels, and second problem I can’t remember. At same time in Sydney and New Zealand there are similar experiments. Section 4 is about planning the trees. Firstly tell about the benefits of tree: reduce windy, maintain humid, less dangerous etc. It keeps temperature below 20 centigrade. It keeps low noise frequency pass through. It evaporate


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毕业于中南财经政法大学,十二年office学习经验。 微软MOS认证专家,曾予供销社、中国银行、国家电网等企事业单位定制财务模板与PPT模板。 头条百家数十万粉丝作者,WPS稻壳儿优秀设计师。


