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PAGE PAGE II 摘 要 21世纪的今天,随着社会的不断发展与进步,人们对于信息科学化的认识,已由低层次向高层次发展,由原来的感性认识向理性认识提高,管理工作的重要性已逐渐被人们所认识,科学化的管理,使信息存储达到准确、快速、完善,并能提高工作管理效率,促进其发展。 论文首先介绍了基于WEB的在线花店的现状及开发背景,然后论述了系统的设计目标,系统需求和总体设计方案,较详细的论述了系统的详细设计和实现。最后,对基于WEB的在线花店进行了测试。 本文以JSP+SSM框架为开发技术,实现了一个网上查看鲜花信息以及在线花店的系统。基于WEB的在线花店分为两大模块,用户模块可以查看鲜花信息、网上在线花店等;管理员可以进行用户管理、资讯管理、在线花店管理、订单管理等。通过这些前台、后台功能模块的设计,基本上实现了整个在线花店管理过程。 在设计方面,系统采用B/S三层结构,同时使用JSP技术进行动态页面的设计,从系统的安全性和代码的可重用性方面考虑,运用JavaBean对程序的关键代码进行封装。后台数据库选用MY SQL 数据库。 关键词 :基于WEB的在线花店;JSP技术;MY SQL数据库;B/S结构;SSM Abstract Today in the 21st century, with the continuous development of society and progress, people for the understanding of the scientific information that has been developed from low level to high level development, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, the importance of management work has been gradually known by people, scientific management, to store information accurate, fast, perfect, and can improve the work efficiency of management, promote its development. This paper first introduced the current situation and development background of web-based online flower shop, and then discussed the system design objectives, system requirements and overall design scheme, a more detailed discussion of the detailed design and implementation of the system. Finally, a web-based online flower shop was tested. In this paper, JSP+SSM framework for the development of technology, the implementation of an online flowers to view information and online flower shop system. Web-based online flower shop is divided into two modules, the user module can view the flowers information, online flower shop, etc. The administrator may carry on the user management, the information management, the flower management, the order management and so on. Through the design of these foreground and background function modules, the whole online flower shop management process is basically realized. In terms of design, the system adopts B/S three-layer structure, and USES JSP



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