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2020-2021《西方经济学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷B 注意:请在答题纸上作答,考试时间120分钟,可以翻阅纸质字典,不得携带电子词典及手机等。 Part 1: True-False question (10×1′=10′) 1. Economists use the word equity to describe a situation in which every member of society would have the same income. ( ) 2. When economists refer to people making decisions “at the margin” they mean that people compare the costs and benefits of each decision. ( ) 3. If a good is “normal,” then an increase in income will result in a decrease in the demand for the good. ( ) 4. If the price of a competitive firm’s output increased, marginal revenue and the profit-maximizing level of output would both increase. ( ) 5. Payroll taxes cause wages received by workers to fall and wages paid by firms to rise. ( ) 6. The relative price of two goods equals the marginal rate of substitution. ( ) 7. If the price of apples increases more than the price of other goods, the weight of the apples in the CPI stays the same, but should decrease to accurately reflect the change in the cost-of-living. ( ) 8. In the short run a firm should never shut down. ( ) 9. If an industry becomes unionized, wages in that industry tend to rise, while employment in that industry tends to fall. ( ) 10. FOMC policy decisions have an important influence on the economy’s rate of inflation and level of employment in the long run. ( ) Part 2: Single Choice (40×1′=40′) 1. Economics deals primarily with the concept of ( ) a. change b. power c. poverty d. scarcity 2. The opportunity cost of an item is ( ) a. what you give up to get that item. b. always equal to the dollar value of the item. c. always less than the dollar value of the item. d. the number of hours needed to earn the money to buy it. 3. A market is a ( ) a. place where only buyers come together. b. place where only sellers meet. c. group of people with common desires. d. group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service. 4. In a free market system, what is the mechanism


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