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Autonomous learning 现在分词在句, 现在分词在句 ,相当于定语 Definition(定义):非谓语动词 verb-ing 形式包括 禾廿 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 子中可以做 / / / 。 指出下列划线部分的语法成分: ⑴ That is an interesting speech.( ) I know the boy playing basketball on the playground now.( This question is puzzling.( ) we found him watching TV.( ) Asking around, I find many people willing to pay higher taxes.( Other types of waste flows into water , killing river and sea life.( 二、Analyses of key points 探究1: Function(现在分词功能) 翻译下列句子,并总结其用法 The n ews is very exciting. 翻译 . 总结::现在分词作 ,说明主语的特征或性质。 练习:这部电影令人恐怖。(frighten) 翻译 . I heard her singing in the classroom 翻译 总结::现在分词作 ,还有下列动词适合用现在分词作宾补。 hear/feel/watch/see/have/ fin d/keep /sb doing sth This is an interestin g book.。 翻译 . 总结::现在分词作 . 一个分词作定语,放在名词 从句。 The man riding a horse is my brother. =The man who rides a horse is my brother. 翻译 . 总结::现在分词短语作 ,放在名词 ,相当于一个 句。 练习:坐在那里的男孩是我的学生。 翻译 . They sat chatting. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 翻译 . 总结::现在分词作 ,表伴随,两个动词同时发生。 练习:他们坐着看电视。 翻译 。 6) Being ill, he could not go to school. =Because he was ill, he could not go to school. 翻译 。 总结::现在分词短语作 ,相当与一个 句。 练习:因为他学习努力,通过考试。 翻译:_ 7) 当我一走进房间时,我就打开灯。 , I tur ned on the light. , I tur ned on the light. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 总结:现在分词短语作 ,相当与一个 句。 8) 如果你努力学习,你就会考试及格。 , you will pass the exam. , you will pass the exam. 总结::现在分词短语作 ,相当与一个 句 9) 浓烟进入空中,使人生病。 Heavy smoke goes into the sky. As a result, . =Heavy smoke goes into the sky, . 总结:现在分词短语作 .. 10 )虽然富有,但他并不快乐 he was un happy.(让步状语从句) , he was unhappy.( 用现在分词改写 ) 总结::现在分词短语作 ,相当与一个 句 探究2:现在分词的否定式 =not+现在分词 由于没按时完成作业,他被老师批评。 (not do) his homework in time, he was criticized. 探究3:现在分词的时态与语态 现在分词 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 完成式 完成式 动原 一般式主动式 一般式被动式 完成式主动式 完成式被动式 work worki ng being worked hav ing worked hav ing bee n worked see find 完成式 他走进房间,打开了电视机。 , he turned on TV set (动作同时性) =When he came into the room, he turned on TV set — he moved to ano ther city.(动作先后顺序) =After he had lived there for 5 years, he moved to ano ther city. , he still could not


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