牛津译林版9AUnit2 Colours质量检测题.docVIP

牛津译林版9AUnit2 Colours质量检测题.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 牛津译林版9AUnit2 Colours质量检测题 (有答案) 一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1.Do you think colours can i our moods? 2.He is honest. You can t him. 3.一-Who d tea? 一The emperor Shen Nong. 4. Warm colours, such as orange and yellow may c a warm and comfortable feeling. 5. Colour therapy comes from a India influence trust discovered create ancient 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空 6. Walking on the beach makes you feel (relax). 7.-I feel a bit hungry now. - Why not (go) for dinner with us? 8. I'd rather ( stay ) at home than hang out. 9. Wearing red can make it easier (take) action. 10. Blue can also represent (sad). relaxed go stay to take sadness 三.单项填空 11. Amy looks good blue. And this blue sweater looks good her. A. on; in B. in; on C. on;on D. in; in 12. We don't know next. Let's go and ask Mr Li. A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether 13. My best friend Alex failed in the math competition. I'd like to . A. dress him up B. pick him up C. cheer him up D. put him up 14. My son ice cream fruit. A. prefers ; than B. would rather; to C. likes ; better D. prefers; to 15.-Do you consider yourself a rude person? - not. I always have good manners. A.Probably B. Usually C. Generally D. Certainly 16. -David, why are you so excited? -My father has made a that he will take me to Tibet next month. A. face B. promise C. mistake D. strength 17. A foreign visitor is coming to visit our new house this evening. My mother will offer him to eat. A. anything delicious B. something real Chinese C. something Japanese food D. delicious something 18. Thank you for me the meeting. A. remind; of B. remind; for C. reminding; of D. reminding; for 19. The food here smells good, but what does it like? A. taste B. touch C. seem D. feel 20. I used to jeans. A. wear B. put on C.



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