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Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT 中考英语介词考点大综合 (原文地址:呕血原创: 中考英语介词考点大综合 中考英语介词考点大综合 王 培 同 教师寄语: 这套题是我这些年教学的重要积累之一。介词只是作为一个切入点,实则是对诸多词组、惯用法、固定搭配与重要句型等语言要点的归纳、总结、整理和整合。其中一些结构选自近年来各省、市中考题及北京市各区县中考摸拟试题中的阅读理解和完成天空原文,少许选自历年高考真题,所以,它服务于中考,又高于中考。本套试题可以与《同类归纳》配套使用。 介词填空,不必要的地方划“/”。 1. The accident happened _______ the morning. I was born _______ the evening of Oct. 1st, 1949. I got up late _______ this morning. 2. My father will be back ________ two weeks. I was doing my homework _______ this time yesterday. I have lived in Beijing _______ I was born. I have taught in Beijing _______over ten years. ______ the end of last term, we had learned about 2000 words. 3. Have you heard _______ John recently Nearly everyone has heard ______ the ghosts, but nobody really heard them. 4. The little boy is _____ ______ danger, but his parents are still ______ danger. I am sorry to have put you _______ so much trouble. No trouble _______ all. 5. I have no money ______ me, so I can’t lend any ______ you. He wants to borrow some money _______ me. You had better return the money _______ me this afternoon. 6. Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan. Nobody agreed _______ what I had said. We finally agreed _______ the date for the meeting. 7. The man ______ black and ______ a fan in the right hand is our English teacher. 8. We can’t find the entrance ______ the tall building. Brazil refused to tell us the key ______ her success ______ winning the first prize. He will pay a visit ______ New York while I will be _______ a visit _______ London. I can’t find the solution ______ this problem. Who can tell me the answer ______ this question Could you please show me the way _______ the nearest hospital I have got two tickets _______ the Bird Nest. I have got two tickets _______ the football match. 9. Mr. Wang is very kind _____


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