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2018-2019学年贵州省贵阳市花溪区第一中学高二英语下学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. I _______ him to join us, but he forgot it. A. do tell???????? B. did tell????????? C. does tell??????? D. do told 参考答案: B 2. ---Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. --- Why ___? John is sitting there doing nothing.? A. him? ? B. he?? C. I??? D. me 参考答案: D 略 3. Mr. Smith approved _______ the company. A. me to leave???????????? B. for my leaving C. of me to attend????????? D. of my leaving 参考答案: D 4. Children under six are not ________ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence. A. admitted??? B. permitted C. accepted??? D. received 参考答案: A 【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:六岁以下的儿童除了智力超群的以外,不能被录取上学。be admitted to…为固定搭配,意为“被….录取”,可知符合A项符合题意,故选A。 5. —What’s the matter with Della? —Well, her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party, but she still_______. A.hopes to?????? B.hopes so??????? C.hopes not ? D.hopes for 参考答案: A 略 6. Stay awake!You should know that it ______to sleep in class. A.doesn't permit? ?????? B.is not permitted C.will not be permitted? ? D.was not permitted 参考答案: B 7. The ______, I think, he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific. A.conclusion B.charge C.promise D.Relation 参考答案: A 8. One of the arguments about the present education system is that students feel ______their lessons. A. pressure doing????? ????? ????????????????B. pressured into doing?? ??? ??? C. being pressured doing??? ???????????? ?D. pressure into doing 参考答案: B 9. If you     go,at least wait until the storm is over.? A.can    B.may C.must?????? D.will 参考答案: C 提示:考查情态动词。can“能,可以”;may“可能,可以”;must“必须,一定”;will“愿意,要,会”。If you must (do sth.)“(表示虽不赞同但可允许)如果你一定要(那么做)”,是固定句型。句意:如果你一定要去,至少也要等到暴风雨停了。故选C项。 ? 10. I ______ her if she had passed the test, but she didn’t answer me. A. ordered B. asked???? C. responded to D. talked to 参考答案: B 11. While the technology of digital TV has been in widespread use, satellite dishes can often be seen _________ through the countryside and remote areas. ? A. spread B. distributed


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