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新职业英语职业综合英语 1ENGLISH FOR CAREERSUnit 5TradeUnit 5< BackHomeNext >Warming-upWarm-1Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and match slogans A-H with pictures 1-8.( ) A. Shift the future. ( ) B. Think Different.( ) C. Just do it. ( ) D. Ideas for life!( ) E. Good to the last drop! ( ) F. Let’s make things better.( ) G. Enjoy myself on my zone. ( ) H. Fresh-up with Seven-upome< BackNext >Warming-upWarm-2Task 2 Work in pairs. Please tell where you have seen or heard the above slogans. Discuss with your partner and list three places. poster, newspaper, TV commercial, outdoor signs, shopping mall, etc.Words & Phrasesregardless adv.alternative n.alternate cess n.export v. ——import v.opportunity n.chance fit n.additional adj.add v. addition n.plant n. 工厂v. & n. 种植,植物consumer n.consume v. consumption n.benefit n.v. benefit fromeconomic adj.economy n.principle n.principal n.校长absolute adj.absolutely parative paratively adv.legal adj.legally adv.brief n.adj. 短暂的,简短的incline v.inclination n.party n.派对exchange v. & n. 交换likewise adv.participate v.participation n. participant n.regardless ofbetter offmake sensespecialize inwork forcebe inclined to dowin-win situation< BackNext >HomeLanguage LabLL-Task 1Task 1 Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right. ( ) 1. opportunity( ) 2. export( ) 3. profit ( ) 4. exchange( ) 5. participate ( ) 6. consumer ( ) 7. additional( ) 8. legal( ) 9. party( ) 10. specialize ina person who buys and uses goods and servicestake part inconnected with the lawgive special or particular attention tosend (goods) to another country for trade purposeschance; a favorable momentone of the people involved in an argument, agreement, etc.money gained by tradebeyond what is usual; addedgive and r


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