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PAGE 2 河北省石家庄市2021年桥西区中考模拟考试英语卷 听力部分 I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分) 1. A. horse B. house C. hours 2. A. next month B. last Sunday C. next week 3. A. look after B. look out C. look around 4. A. I was much better. B. I was sick. C. I want to be a doctor. 5. A. We should stay here. B. We will have to stay here. C. We shouldn’t come here. II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分) 6. A. Thank you. I will. B. Sure. Don’t worry. C. Hello! Dear parents. 7. A. Yes. You’re right. B. It’s boring. C. How about you? 8. A. With pleasure. B. You are welcome. C. Never mind. 9. A. I like sunny days. B. It will be fine. C. It’s funny. 10. A. The bill, please. B. Keep the change. C. May I have a look at the menu? III.听对话和问题, 选择正确选项。(共8小题, 每小题1分, 计8分) 11. What does the boy want to get? A. B. C. 12. What are they cheering for? A. B. C. 13. How many girl students are there in Jack’s class? A. 20. B. 16. C. 18. 14. Why doesn’t Kathy feel so good? A. Because she has to stay at home. B. Because she doesn’t know where to go. C. Because Sam can’t take a trip with her. 15. What does Kathy finally decide to do? A. To go fishing by the river. B. To swim in the lake. C. To go to the mountains. 16. What will Lucy do this weekend? A. Go on a picnic. B. Go over the text. C. Go to see a movie. 17. What kind of movies does Lucy like? A. War movies. B. Action movies. C. History movies. 18. How often does Bill go to the movies? A. Twice a month. B. Three times a month. C. Four times a month. IV.听短文和问题, 选择正确答案。(共7小题, 每小题1分, 计7分) 19. What should you do if you have trouble in life? A. Worry all day. B. Take it easy. C. Have a good sleep. 20. If somebody steals your money, what should you do? A. Ask the police for help. B. Call 120 immediately. C. Look for the money everywhere. 21. When you fall off the bike and hurt badly, which is not right? A. Don’t move. B. Call t


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