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必选(1)Unit 4 Earthquakes 第一部分 基础练习 I. 词汇 a.选用所给单词的适当形式填空: burst, frighten, judge, organize, rescue, shake, ruin, destroy, injure, shelter, honour, disaster, electricity, prepare 1. The flood _____ a lot of houses and many people became homeless. 2. After _____ was cut off, the lights went out. 3. ______ always come suddenly and cause a lot of damage. 4. The ______ girl was speechless after she saw the terrible scene. 5. A car accident happened with two people killed and one seriously ______. 6. St. Petersburg was almost in ____ after it was under attack for 900 days by the Germans. 7. The rescue workers put up a lot of tents so that the homeless survivors could be ______. 8. Next month a new monument will be built in ________ of those who died in the terrible disaster. 9. The river ______ its banks and flooded the village. 10. They were badly ______ by the news of her death. b.词组识记 1. 对某人评价不好,对...不当一会事  11. right away 2.臭气               12. at an end 3. 1000公里以外 13. burst into tears 4. 2/3的人 14. lie/ be in ruins 5. ...的数量 15. reach as many as 400,000 6. 无法安全通行   16. blow away 7. 数以万计的 17. instead of 8. 救援人员 18. be trapped under the ruins 9. 挖出 19. build shelters for survivors 10. 又开始出现生机          20. be proud of / take pride in II.语法 a. 把下列句子改写成定语从句。 1. I have a friend. He likes listening to classical music. 2. Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress. I gave it to her. 3. The student’s article was published. I know the student. 4. Betty is studying English very well. She has never been abroad. 5. My grandparents live in a house. It is more than 100 years old. b. 用适当的关系代词填空。  1. The building ______ wall is white is my uncle’s house. 2. I know the boy _______ you are looking for. 3. Will you please lend me the very book ______ you bought yesterday? 4. The student _____ the teacher praised


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