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摘要 PAGE PAGE I 摘要 本研究将纤维增强材料(GFRP)拉挤型材与混凝土进行合理组合,开发了轻质高强、施工便利、经济实用的新型GFRP组合桥面板。该桥面板由带有肋板的GFRP折形底板,通过肋板圆孔中的混凝土和贯通筋、与混凝土浇筑形成面板结构。 主要是通过一个带有肋板的GFRP折形底板模型试件,进行了模拟浇筑混凝土过程的模型加载试验,测试了GFRP折形底板作为模板使用时的刚度和应力状态的变化。进一步实施了6个GFRP组合桥面板模型试件的承载性能试验,探讨了肋板圆孔中筋材有无、筋材种类以及板材内表面处理与否等对抗弯承载性能的影响。 通过试验和理论分析,研究了GFRP板材与混凝土组合桥面板的合理构造形式、以及两种板材的结合方式,为FRP材料在桥梁结构中的应用,积累了具有参考价值的研究成果。 关键词:纤维增强塑料、组合桥面板、开孔板连接件、承载性能 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this study, glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) profile extrusion and concrete were combined together reasonably, a new type of GFRP composite bridge deck was Developed which has the advantages of lightweight and high strength, convenient construction, Economical and Practical. The plank structure got formed regarding the GFRP folded plate with ribbed slab which come through the concrete and transfixion gluten in circular hole of ribbed slab and concrete pouring. The behavior of GFRP folded plate model test specimen with ribbed slab, Model loading test was tested first by Simulate pouring concrete to determined the changes of stiffness and stress state when used as formwork, then the influence of Whether there is gluten or not, the kind of gluten, the inner surface of Plate was processed or not and so on to flexural loading capacity were studied by bearing capability test in six GFRP composite bridge deck test specimen. Based on the results of tests and theoretical analysis .reasonably structure form and binding mode of GFRP plate and Concretes composite bridge deck were studied. Related criterions were established for the application of FRP Material in bridge structure. Key Words: Fibre Reinforced Plastics. Composite Bridge Deck. Perforated Plate Connector. Bearing Behavior 目录 — — PAGE III — 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 研究的背景与目的 1 1.2 研究的主要内容 2 1.3 研究方法 3 1.4 论文的构成 5 第2章 FRP桥面板研究与应用的现状调研 7 2.1 概述 7 2.2 FRP材料及制备工艺 7 2.3 全FRP材料桥面板 10 2.4 FRP-混凝土组合桥面板 12 2.5 FRP-混凝土组合桥面板的内部连接技术 19 2.6 本章小结 22 第3章 新型GFRP-混凝土组合桥面板的设



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