欧洲碳中和:天然气的重要性 - 欧洲天然气工业联盟的研究.pdf

欧洲碳中和:天然气的重要性 - 欧洲天然气工业联盟的研究.pdf

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European Carbon Neutrality: The Importance of Gas A study for Eurogas Report No.: OGNL.180049 Date: 30 June 2020 Project name: Pathway study for Eurogas DNV GL Report title: European Carbon Neutrality: The Importance of Energieweg 17 Gas 9743 AN Groningen Customer: Eurogas, Rue dArlon 80, 1040 Brussels - Netherlands BELGIUM Tel: [+00 000 000 000] Customer contact: Mr. Andreas Guth [Company Reg No] Date of issue: 30 June 2020 Project No.: Organisation unit: DNV GL Netherlands B.V. Report No.: OGNL.180049 Applicable contract(s) governing the provision of this Report: Objective: To assess the role of gas in decarbonized European energy systems in 2030/2050 Prepared by: Verified by: Approved by: Warner ten Kate Bent Erik Bakken Johan Knijp Senior consultant Senior principal scientist Country Manager Netherlands Warner.ten.Kate@ Bent.Erik.Bakken@ Johan.Knijp@ Albert van den Noort Principal consultant Maurice Vos Senior consultant Onur Özgün Senior scientist Copyright © DNV GL 2020. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise agreed in writing: (i) This publication or parts thereof may not be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, whether digitally or otherwise; (ii) The content of this publ ication shall be kept confidential by the customer; (iii) No third party may rely on its contents; and (iv) DNV GL undertakes no du


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