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阅读D篇 【回答问题考查点】 1. 考查获取实时信息的能力; 2. 考查在具体的语境中灵活运用语言知识的能力; 3. 考查根据试题内容进行正确的逻辑推理、综合判断和分析概括的能力。 阅读 阅读D篇答题步骤 1. 快速浏览全文→了解大意,尤其是议论类文章作者的真实观点; 2. 重视尾段的总结性语句; 3. 带着问题重新阅读文章,并针对问题划线,回答; 4. 重读全文,验证答案; 5. 检查答案的正确性,时态、主语是否正确。 D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) Passage 1 Sam Gribley, a boy in his teens, ran away from his family's crowded flat in New York, where he lived with eight brothers and sisters. He went to the wild Catskill Mountains to live by himself. He lived there for almost a year before he was discovered by the outside world. Here is part of his dairy, showing how his adventure began. I left New York in May. I had some necessary tools and $ 4.1 tried to get free rides from passing trucks to get into the Catskill Mountains. At about four o'clock, a truck driver and I passed through a beautiful dark forest, and I said to him, "This is as far as I am going." The driver looked around and said, "Do you live here?" "No," I said, "but I'm running away from home, and this is just the kind of forest I've always dreamed about. I think I'll camp here tonight. " I jumped down from the truck. ' "Hey, boy," the driver shouted. "Are you serious?" "Sure," I said. "Well, now, isn't that strange?" he said. "You know, when I was your age, I did the same thing. Only the different thing was, I was a farm boy and ran to the city, and you're a city boy running to the woods. I was scared of the city. Do you think you'll be scared of the woods?" "Oh, no, "I shouted loudly. As I marched into the cool shadowy(阴森德) woods, I heard the driver call to me, "I'll be back in the morning, if you want a ride home." He laughed. Everybody laughed at me. Even Dad. I told Dad that I was going to run away to Great- grand-fatherGribley's land. He roared with laughter and told me about the time he ran away from home. He got on a boat for Singapore, but when the whistle(汽笛声) blew for departure, he ran down the gangway and was home in bed before anyone knew he had gone. Then he told me, "Sure, try it. Eve



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