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The Disney Princess 1937 白雪公主和七个小矮人 Snow white and the seven dwarfs 1950 灰姑娘 Cinderella 1959 睡美人 Sleeping beauty 1989 小美人鱼 The little mermaid 1991 美女和野兽 Beauty and the beast 1992 阿拉丁 Aladdin.. Snow White(白雪公主) Snow White was a young and beautiful princess. Her stepmother(繼母) was envious(嫉妒) of her beauty and wanted to kill her. So Snow White escaped from the palace to the forest and lived with the Seven Dwarfs(小矮人). Unfortunately because of her simply. She is poisoned by her stepmother. But also because of her simply, Prince Charming(白馬王子) had been loving her so much and gave her a loving-kiss. Then they live a happy life with each other forever… Cinderella(仙蒂公主) Christian was a beautiful and smart girl. She loved to sing and loved to work with singing. However her selfish stepmother and two sisters only treated her as a servant, yet Christian never gave up her loving-dream. The opportunity had finally come, with the help of the fairy(仙女),she was wearing the slipper(水晶鞋)to the Prince's side. Her noble character, subtle gentle(溫柔婉約), witty humor let the Prince love her at the first sight… Aurora(爱洛公主) When the Aurora princess had been born, black evil witch(黑女巫)cursed(詛咒) her that when she was 16-year-old, she would be spinning(針)to die. So she must sleep as long as the Prince gave a sincere kiss to her, then she can rebirth. After defeating the Black Witch. Prince gave Aurora the first kiss, so that the lovely princess waked up. Since then, they had a sweety happy life… Ariel(美人鱼爱丽儿公主) As a cute little Mermaid, Ariel loved adventure and she had the world's most beautiful voice. She was one of the sea king’s most beloved daughters. In another adventure, she picked up almost drowning ALEC(王子), and fell love with him… Jasmine(茉莉公主) Princess Jasmine is Sultan(苏丹王)’s daughter. She was strong-minded and brave. But now she was very reluctant(不願的)in the arrival of the birthday of the former marriage. She need a smart and brave man. After refusing many people,


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