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在教学之路上,你是谁很重要,但更重要的是你和谁在一起。 PAGE PAGE 13 让教育因落实而精彩,让教学因细节而美丽。 课 题 (主备人: 张慧) Unit 6story time 课型 新 课时 共 4 课时 第 1 课时 学习目标 能正确的理解,掌握对话内容,并能准确朗读。 能正确地听、说、读、写、单词country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia 3、能正确地听、说、读单词和短语find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney 4、能正确地听、说、读、写句型; I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia . 5、能用英语介绍澳大利亚的风土人情。 学情分析 重点、难点: 句型: I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia . 词汇Australia ,kangaroo, koala, Sydney等词的正确读音。 3课文的熟练掌握和对澳大利亚风土人情的介绍。 4一般将来时的理解和运用。 易混、易错点:be going to 与will的相同与区别 学生认知基础:能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney 句型I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia . 时间分配 学 15分钟 讲 15分钟 练 10分钟 教法与学法 让学生学进去,讲出来,学讲方式贯穿课堂始终让学生内化知识,提升能力。 教学准备 PPT,卡片。 学生活动 教师助学 课后改进 Step1:show the aims and lead-in Greetings Check out Ss’ preview Read the study aims again on the Bb and make sure they know what they will learn in the lesson. 能正确的理解,掌握对话内容,并能准确朗读。 能正确地听、说、读、写、单词country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia 3、能正确地听、说、读单词和短语find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney 4、能正确地听、说、读、写句型; I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia . 5、能用英语介绍澳大利亚的风土人情。 Where did you go ? Did you go to foreign country ? Do you want to know about foreign country? Do you know in which country there is a kangaroo?(教师做动作让学生去猜) --in Australian What else animals do they have ? A?koala. Ok ,let’s go to Australia today Learn independently Read story time on P58-59alone. Infer the words that Ss don’t understand from the context. Underline the key phrases while reading alone. Write down the problems that Ss can’t solve to the group leader. Step2:Work in groups Group members discuss and answer the following questions: The first passage : Who How Mike ask his e-friend Wang Bing ask Mr Green Liu Tao read about Australia on the Internet Ynag Ling go to the library How will Mike find out about Australia? T:



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