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PAGE II PAGE II 大学生创业融资问题探析 摘 要 随着国家的经济发展,“大众创业,万众创新”的时代发展浪潮汹涌而至,大学生创业的比例不断增长,但真正成功的却很少。怎样对创业启动资金做一个明晰的规划和有效筹集到创业的资金是创业的关键。本文分析我国现有的大学生创业的融资渠道,探索大学生的创业融资模式及其影响因素,找出存在的问题以及原因,最后提出一些策略:大学创业者作为经营者要强化自身素质,提升公司治理的能力,关注创业领域和扶持政策,保证项目创新性;高校作为教育机构,要加强创新创业的教育指导,联合校企成立创业基金;政府及金融投资机构要完善小额度贷款政策,加强对外宣传和建立健全社会征信体制。以期这些建议能给大学生创业融资相关者提供一定的参考。 关键词:大学生;创业;融资;渠道 An analysis on the financing problems of college students' entrepreneurship Abstract With the development of country's economic, the development tide of the era of' mass entrepreneurship and innovation' is coming. The proportion of college students starting businesses keeps increasing, but few are truly successful. How to make a clear plan for start-up capital and effectively raise start-up capital is the key to entrepreneurship. This paper analyzes the college students of new venture financing channels to explore students' start-up financing mode and its influencing factors, finding out the existing problems and reasons, finally put forward some strategies: university of entrepreneurs as the operators should strengthen their own quality, improve the ability of corporate governance, focus on entrepreneurship and supporting policies, innovative projects; As educational institutions, colleges and universities should strengthen the education and guidance of innovation and entrepreneurship, and set up venture funds jointly with schools and enterprises. The government and financial investment institutions should improve the small-amount loan policy, strengthen external publicity and establish a sound social credit system. It is hoped that these suggestions can provide some reference for the venture financing stakeholders of college students. Key words: College student; entrepreneurship; financing; channel 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘 要 I Abstract II 一、引 言 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究意义 1 二、文献综述 1 三、大学生创业融资相关概述 2 (一)创业融资概述 2 (二)大学生创业概述 2 (三)大学生选择创业的主要驱动力 2 1.解决就业难题 2 2.提升自身能力 3 四、大学生创业融资现状 3



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