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Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary . Choose the best answer. Which of the underlined parts is different in . pronunciation? 27 .  A. matter B. damage C. native D. magic We left in such ____ hurry that we forgot our passports. A. a B. an C. the D. / If you must use a cell phone, please talk ____ a low voice and move to the . back. A. to B. by C. at D. in Susan is frightened ____ heights but also enjoys pushing against her own . fear as a challenge. A. for B. with C. of D. about We tried a lot of hotels, but ___ of them had a . room. B. A. both neither C. all D. none 31. Awesome place to stay! Rooms were clean, and everyone looked ___ here. B. A. friendly happily C. angrily D. sadly 32. My son didn ’ t spend ____ m oney as his friends did on games. A. much B. as much C. more D. most I ’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh . ____. A. air B. idea C. vegetable D. flower – ___ is the Bund from our . hotel? –About twenty minutes ’ walk. A. How B. How far C. How long D. How soon 35 When they got home last night, they found that . somebody into the flat. B. is C. has D. had A. breaks breaking broken broken 36 I haven ’t decided where to go on go to . holiday. I Canada. A. may B. need C. must D. can 37 My mum always avoids ___ home from work at 5 p.m. as there ’s so much . traffic then. B. D. to A. travel travelling C. to travel travelling 38 We need to do something . soon, the problem will get worse. A. and B. but C. or D. so 39 If you ___ a li st of things that you have to do, you won ’t forget to . do them. B. will D. are A. make make C. made making 40 My friend never received my post card. I ’m afraid it ___ to the . wrong address. A. sends B. sent C. was sent D. be sent We decided to see the town on a guided tour ___ someone would show us . the sights. A. unless B. because C. when D. so that 42 ___ exhausting day I ’ve had! I ’m so tired and dirty from walking so . many miles. A. What B. What a C. What an D. How Our decision ___ for some drink


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