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06 职称英语模拟题卫生 C 第三套 (4) 第五部分:补全短文(每题 2 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面的短文,文章中有 5 处空白,文章后有 6 组文字,请根 据文章的内容选择 5 组文字,将其分别放在文章原有位置,以恢复文 章原貌。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置。 Weight Worries May Start Early for Slim Women There is a range of reasons why thin women think they're too heavy, but the distorted body image may often have its roots in childhood, me results of a new study suggest. Researchers found that among more than 2. 400 min women they surveyed, nearly 1 0 percent thought they were too heavy. ___1___. According to the study authors, led by Dr. Susanne Kruger Kjaer of the Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, society's "ideal" female body is moving toward an underweight physique? ___2___. To investigate body image among thin women, the researchers gave questionnaires to 2,443 women ages 27 to 38 whose body mass index was at the low end of normal___3___. Overall, almost 1 0 percent of the women thought they were too heavy. Those who reported certain "severe life events" in childhood or adolescence, such as having a parent become ill or having their educational hopes dashed, were more likely than others to have a distorted body image. ___4___. In contrast, traumatic events in adulthood, such as serious illness or significant marital problems, were not related to poor body image, the researchers report ___5___. underweight adj. 重量不足的 physique n. 体格 questionnaire n. 调查表 dash vt. 使(希望、计划等 )破灭 , 挫败 traumatic adj. 使人不快的 A The same was true of4 women who started having sex or drinking alcohol when they were younger than 1 5 years old. B Experiences in childhood including having an ill parent, or starting to drink or have sex at a particularly young age, were among the risk factors for having a distorted body image? C "Our results indicate that the risk of being dissatisfied with (one's)own body weight may be established early in life," Kjaer and her colleagues write. D Research suggests that many normal-weight women wish to weigh less. E If worries have altered your appetite or weight, it will help to tal


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