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1. 一个叫做John的人 2. 停下来吃饭 3. 吃一样的食物 4. 全世界 5. 每100个家庭 6. 像……一样大 7. 在两片面包之间 8. 非常喜欢打牌 9. 在使用中 10. 至少一台电视 a man called John stop to have meals eat the same food all over the world per 100 families as large as between two pieces of bread love playing cards very much be in use at least one TV * Camels can live without water for a long time. Ants can smell things well. Snakes eat little or nothing For months in cold winter. A giraffe has only 7 bones in its long neck. sandwich two pieces of bread es meat Do you want to know the story of the sandwich? My name is John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich. I like playing cards very much. And I don’t want to stop to eat. So I put meat between two pieces of bread. Others want to have the same food. Later it becomes popular. The story of sandwiches Sandwich 1. got its name from a man called John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich loved playing cards very much did not want to stop for meals put meat between two pieces of bread others wanted to eat the same food later became popular all over the world We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things. Many people like sandwiches, but do you know anything about this kind of food? Sandwich got its name form a man called John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich. The man loved playing cards with his friends very much. He did not want to stop for meals, so he put meat between two pieces of bread. Soon others wanted to eat the same food, so they asked for a “sandwich”. Later the food became popular all over the world. Isn’t that amazing? Introduction 开头 Body 主体 (1-5小点) Conclusion 结尾 (第6小点) Sample passage 1926 the first TV show in the UK about 2,000 TVs in use by 1935 TVs can be as large as 152 inches now in China, in 1987, about 29 TVs per 100 families, but now most families have at least one TV TV 1. the first TV show in the UK in 1926 2. by 1935, about 2,000 TVs in use 3. in China, in 1987, abo


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