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8B Unit3 Online tours Period2(Reading) 一、英汉互译 1.online tours _______________________ 2.在页面顶部_________________ 3.the world-famous trade centre_________ 4.在岛屿中央___________________ 5.click on the icon ___________________ 6.在一天的辛苦工作后__________ 7.a good place to relax________________ 8.……到此为止________________ 9.at the bottom of the page_____________ 10.八小时环游世界______________ 二、单词拼写 1.I know Shanghai very well, so let me be your_______(导游).21世纪教育网版权所有 2.China is a country in_______(亚洲). 3. China does a lot of_______(贸易)with many other countries.21教育网 4. There is only one house on the_______(岛屿). 5. A whale is a_______ (very large) animal. 6. We know Italy is in the south of_______(欧洲). 7. You can _______(点击)on their names to find out more about them. 8. The little sister can_______(挑选)the biggest apple.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 9.I go there_______(几个)times each year. 10. The_______(戏剧)has been on for thirty minutes. 三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Listening to music is a good way to relax after a_______ (day) 2. Beijing is one of the_______ (big) cities in China.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 3. Guangzhou is in the_______ (south) part of China.21*cnjy*com 4. There are many big_______ (company) and international banks in China now. 5. It's_______ (excite) to see the tallest cartoon characters in the world.2-1-c-n-j-y 6. The girl is_______ (call) little Mary. 7. I don't know the song_______ (come) from Jay Chou. 8. The website can help people_______ (buy) tickets to different places. 9._______ (click) on the "Back" icon and you can start a new programme. 10. Times Square is a great place_______ (visit). 四、单项选择 ( )1. Don't get too_______ after hearing the good news. A. excited B. exciting C. excitement D. excite ( )2. Prison Break is the best American TV play that I _______ these years. A. watch B. will watch C. have watched D. was watching ( )3. Mary and Rose_______ friends since they met in London in 1998. A. have made B. have been C. made D.


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