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2021 年中考一轮复习课件 (9B Units 3-4) 教材梳理 核心词汇 1.whatever pron. Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 Whatever we said, he disagreed. = No matter what we said, he disagreed. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。 2.satisfy vt. Though this is an attractive image, it somehow doesn't satisfy. 虽然这是一个有吸引力的形象,但不知为什么,它并不令人满意。 John's mother is satisfied with his progress in English. 约翰的妈妈对他在英语方面的进步感到很满意。 3.mess n. She always makes a mess of things. 她总是把事情弄得一团糟。 4.pill n. in the form of pills以药片的形式。 5.polluted adj. Cars not only pollute the air in cities, but make the roads crowded. 汽车不仅污染城市空气,而且使道路拥挤不堪。 The air pollution is harmful to our health. 空气污染对我们的健康有害。 核心句型 1.Things started to go wrong when they moved to the city centre. 当他们搬到市中心后,问题出现了。 Something has gone wrong with the watch. 这块手表出毛病了。 2. “It is hoped that…”表示“……可以指望” It's told that…据告之…. It's reported that…据报道…… It's believed that…普遍相信…… 3. We have finished three-sevenths of the work 我们已经完成了这项工作的七分之三。 三、1. →I saw him reading the book carefully. 我看到他正在仔细读书。 →I found him very happy. 我发现他很快乐。 →I do not know what to do tomorrow. 我不知道我明天要做什么。 → He is too young to go to school. 他年纪太小,还不能去上学。 2. →She started to learn drawing at the age of seven 她七岁开始学画画。 →He could not go to the party because of too much homework. 因为他有太多的家庭作业,所以他不能去聚会。 → The photos remind me of my trip to the UK five years ago. 这些照片让我想起我五年前去英国的旅行。 → Do you know the girl with two books in her hand? 你认识那个手里正拿着两本书的女孩吗? 向机器人商店投诉你 写一封投诉信 帮某人邮寄一封信 能做他们被要求的任何事 从…订购某物 用…满足某人 满足某人的需求 (某人)对..满意的 一个令满意的答复 完全乱七八糟 被放在床上 被储存在垃圾桶里 硬币,账单和他的私人文件被撒得满地都是。 complain about you to the robot shop write a complaint letter post / mail sth for sb. can do whatever they are asked to order sth from … satisfy ab. with … satisfy one’s needs (sb.) be satisfied with … a satisfying reply in a complete mess be laid on the bed lay laid laid be stored in the rubbish bin Coins, bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor. spread spread spread complain about sth to sb. complete (adj


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